Yet another unique opportunity has now come up in the LASER region. It’s a naturist trek with llamas. Whether or not the llamas are joining in with the undress code will depend on the farmer I suspect. We will be taking it in turns to lead 8 llamas through private woods at Bluecaps llama farm near Coulsley Wood near Wadhurst. This is in the beautiful High Weald area of East Sussex. There’s only twenty tickets available so book early. At the end of the walk there will be a picnic. The event takes place between 3 and 6pm. Tickets are £26 for BN members and £31 for non members. This is a clothes optional event. See the link here: LLAMA WALK LINK
Fun facts about llamas:
1 Baby llamas are called crias.
2 Mother llamas bond with their baby by humming.
3 Yes they spit but only when really upset. If their ears go back watch out!!
4 Llamas have a split upper lip to enable them to select the tastiest nibbles.
5 Llamas have a designated bathroom area!!!
6 Llamas are from the Andes region of South America.
7 Llamas are very sociable animals.
8 They are strong and can carry 90kg all day... but if you overpack them they refuse to move.