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    Active Waters Wild Swimming is inviting you to a naturist wild swim between 5pm-7pm on:
    Mon 2nd June,   Mon 7th July,  Mon 4th August,  Mon 1st September Location:
    Active Waters Wild Swimming, Lake Ashmore, Gore Tree Road, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 9BP Lake Ashmore is a stunning man-made lake which offers treated water to ensure a beautifully clean swim. The lake is approximately 1 mile in diameter with a designated swim course of 800 meters. This event is bespoke and exclusive to nude swimmers to ensure a relaxed and safe environment to enjoy a swim. Lifeguards will be on duty to ensure the safety of all swimmers. 
    Brightly coloured swim hats and tow floats must be worn to ensure swimmers' safety. Swimmers must be able to confidently swim 300m. (Not suitable for non-swimmers) Age: 18+ only Advanced Booking Only. Participants only, no spectators unless accompanying a nude swimmer.
    Email: activewaterswildswimming@gmail.com Price: £10 pp Payment in advance by online secure banking

  • Guest
    This is just a quick summary of the regional events taking part in the Southwest Region in 2025:
    Naturist Walks Dorset - Tarrant Rushton (near Blandford) on 4th April 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group Meet Up on 6th April 2025
    Naturist Walks Dorset - Stourpaine (near Blandford on 10th April 2025
    Naturist Walks Dorset - Verwood on 15th April 2025
    Naturist Walks Dorset - Holts Heath (near Wimborne) on 23rd April 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group Meet Up on 4th May 2025
    Naked Heart Walk in aid of the British Heart Foundation at Court Farm Lakes, Gloucestershire on 16th May 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group Meet Up on 1st June 2025
    Naked Cruise in Plymouth on 13th June 2025
    Naked Cruise in Poole on on 28th June 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group on 6th July 2025
    Naturist Walk from SWOC, Batcombe, Dorset on 15th July 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group on 3rd August 2025
    Naked Heart Walk in aid of the British Heart Foundation at Court Farm Lakes, Gloucestershire on 15th August 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group on 7th September 2025
    Naked Heart Walk in aid of the British Heart Foundation at Powderham Castle in Devon on 27th September 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group on 5th October 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group on 2nd November 2025
    Cardiff Coffee Group on 7th December 2025
    In addition, we have two Museum visits that are very close to being put on sale!
    I'm negotiating at the moment to hold a naked theatre night at the Vaults in Waterloo, London. We have been there twice in the past and it's been very successful. This one is a comedy based on Pride and Prejudice. Apparently the cast of the show are up for it (they loved it the last time we had a clothes optional night there). What I need to know now is how many people would be interested? 
    They are selling tickets at £19 but that might need adjusting if I can't guarantee a full house. The show would be some time in the next two months... please let me know below if it's a strong possibility for you.
    I've been in touch with the Village Pottery near Twickenham today and we can have two pottery lessons for 12 people at a time. It would be on a Sunday afternoon sometime between May 20th and June 20th. The idea is that there will be a 40 minute gap between sessions so the first group can socialise with the second one. It's a case of bring your own refreshments. Julie the owner and tutor has already had one naturist group as can be seen 27 minutes into the great film linked below. Tickets will go in sale as soon as I'm confident we can sell enough at £35 each. Could you please comment below if you're really interested.. with no obligation at this point. There is a nearby railway station (1 mile). Patti and myself will be going so that leaves 22 tickets... or just 10 if we can only get enough for one session.
    Good news from Shaftesbury Lido for the 2025 summer season.  The plan is to have weekly swims every Tuesday evening once the season begins.  In 2023 the Lido had a Naked Swim once a month; in 2024 it increased to two sessions a month and in 2025, following many requests from our naturist swimmers, it will be a weekly session.
    The season opening, however, depends on vital improvements to the pool being completed in the coming months.  Whilst Shaftesbury Council have agreed to the new filtration system and new pool liner being installed to keep the Lido running, they would like some outside funding to help with the huge costs. 
    The Friends of Shaftesbury Swimming, of which I am a committee member, have organised a Crowdfunding appeal to try and raise £15,000 to match a promised £15,000 from Sport England.  We have less than a month to raise that total but got off to a great start yesterday with a fund-raising cold-water swimming event at the Lido.
    Details of their Crowdfunding page are here https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/shaftesbury-lido-renovations  If any of the Lido's regular naturist swimmers feel they could support the appeal, we would be extremely grateful for their help, either with a contribution or sharing the link to others who might be able to give support. 
    One point to note if anyone is making a pledge on the Crowdfunder page - the suggested "tip" to the Crowdfunder organisation is voluntary.  If you use the "enter custom amount" button rather accepting the suggested 20%, you can set it at whatever level you wish, including 0%.  
    Thank you for your help in sharing the Lido message with the wider BN community, both in the South-West Region and beyond as a good number of our regular naturist swimmers travel to the Lido from outside the region.
    Come and join me on the evening on Saturday 28th June 2025 for a Naked Cruise around Poole Harbour and beyond right in the heart of Dorset?  This is a fantastic opportunity to climb aboard MV Solent Scene at Poole Quay then sit back and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Dorset Riviera as you cruise around Brownsea Island, past Sandbanks and Old Harry Rocks then along the Jurassic coast towards Swanage, returning past Millionaire’s Row before arriving back at Poole Quay. 
    Solent Scene has two separate internal saloons, incorporating the bar and quiet lounge on the lower deck and the disco and dancefloor on the upper deck. In addition to this, she also has two large outside decks.  The on-board bar will be open throughout the trip so you can purchase drinks for cash or card payment.  A fish and chips supper will be available as an optional extra which you can book when purchasing your ticket.
    Boarding the vessel will be from Poole Quay at 18.45 hrs with departure at 19.00 hrs and return will be by 22.00 hrs.  You must be dressed to embark and debark the vessel but you will be able to undress after departure and remain naked until just before mooring at the end of the cruise.  This is an adult only cruise.  Several pay car parks are available within easy walking distance of the quayside but beware, there is very little free roadside parking nearby.
    Please contact me if you need additional information, have a dietary requirement, or have a question to ask.
    Keith Bowman keith.bowman@bn.org.uk
    Click here to book.
    Join us for a 3-hour naked evening cruise around Plymouth Sound in Devon and along The River Lynher towards St Germans.  Board the vessel at The Barbican Landing Stage and prepare to admire the beautiful scenery looking back on Plymouth as we cruise around The Sound and wallow in the beauty of the river bank as we pass along the picturesque river Lynher.  See some of the Royal Navy’s ships moored in the river Tamar as you pass by.  There will be music and a fully licensed bar on board from which you may purchase refreshments and pay using cash or card.  A scrumptious Haddock and Chips supper can be ordered for an additional charge.
    Board approximately 16.30 hrs. (Exact times to be advised later.)
    Depart 16.45 hrs. (Exact times to be advised later.)
    Arrive back 19.45 hrs. (Exact times to be advised later.)
    Round Trip: for BN members.     £25.00 each
           for non- members    £30.00 each
    Fish & Chip supper (Additional)  £22.00 each
    For additional information please contact keith.bowman@bn.org.uk
    To book, please click here.


    By Guest, in South West,

    Happy St. David's Day to all our members in Wales!!
    As you can see from this photo, taken this morning from Clevedon in North Somerset, the sun is shining on Wales today!!!
    Don't forget that there are many events in South Wales - Western Swimming Club every Friday in Chepstow, the monthly Nudie Dudies Swim in Llantwit Major, followed by a meet-up for Sunday dinner, and a monthly meet n greet in Cardiff. We also have two Naked Heart Walks in aid of the British Heart Foundation later in the year just outside Wales at Court Farm Lakes. There are also events run by members.  More details can be found here in the Southwest calendar!
    Just seven days to go now, and there is still time for you to book a place!!
    After the success of our first event at Flirt in October, we are pleased to be to offer a return visit on Saturday 8th March 2025 for a naked quiz and social evening in this modern, vibrant and well-regarded café-bar in the Triangle, adjacent to the central library. 
    Ticket holders will be welcomed from 7pm. The cover charge for entry to the event and the quiz includes a welcome drink (choice of bottled beers, 175ml glass of house red, white or rose wine, soft drink or any hot drink).
    The kitchen and bar will be open for those wanting to eat and drink. It will be the normal evening menu with vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options plus a special hot dish (links below). You don't have to eat if you don't want to: it will be normal counter service and pay-as-you-go, after the initial welcome drink.
    More details and how to book can be found on the BN Calendar here!

    By Guest, in London and South East,

    The BN LASER region took place at the Mill Arms, Dunbridge. The Mill Arms is a cosy pub in a little village in the Hampshire countryside. About forty BN members attended for a three course meal. The staff at the Mill Arms were cheerful and welcoming. BN chairman Colin Taylor announced at the beginning that a Sun reporter had changed her mind about about attending …. and she had promised to follow the BN dress code!

    It was a pleasant meal with lots of good conversation. For some of us the heating could have been turned up a little and a visit to the toilets was an ‘Arctic’experience!! 

    The skittle alley was enjoyed by a few of us but the novelty wears off when you are used to playing ten pin bowling and the machine picks up the pins for you. Father Christmas also attended but seemed oddly cold and unmoving! 

    For us it was a second naturist Christmas party in a week having attended the Prested Hall party. Just one more at Springwood club for New Year’s Eve!

    Anyway, thanks to the organisers for a fun afternoon and thanks also to social media star Simon Berryman for the photography. A full set of photos can be found on the BN Official Gallery and future events can be found on the BN regional events page.
    This was put on the forum by El Presidente Mark Bass but just in case it has been missed we have a new regional organiser in London and the South East. After our Organiser and Deputy Organiser  had stood down we  had a vacuum of leadership and we now welcome Tony Lehrer-Fry into the post and wish him well. Tony has a wealth of experience as a naturist, city councillor, volunteer and event organiser.
    In Tony's own words, " I've been a naturist since the 1980s and a member of BN since 1996. I retired two years ago. My most recent job before I retired was as a manager with Border Force at Heathrow. I have also worked during my career for a couple of software houses, IBM and for an MP. I live in Southampton but grew up in London so I have lived in both extremes of our region."
    Remember folks that we are still looking for a deputy organiser. Check out this link for all volunteer opportunities in BN.
    Link for volunteering
    Or contact me Andy at  laserpro@bn.org.uk
    Tickets are now on sale for our regional Christmas Lunch at The Mill Arms, Dunbridge. 
    We will have exclusive use of the function room at the pub. This is a fully self-contained area with its own bar and toilets which means that it will be possible to be naked throughout the event. Car parking is available behind the pub, but it is only two minutes’ walk from Dunbridge & Mottisfont Station, so why not leave the car at home and enjoy a few drinks!
    You’ll be able to choose from a delicious festive two or three course menu ahead of the event, with vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options available. From £37. You will be asked on booking for your menu choices so take a look at the menu before booking.
    Details and links to menu options are on the calendar listing, below but to go direct to tickets click here.
    Every month there is a Regional Newsletter listing all the naturist opportunites taking place. If you're not on the mailing list then you need to sign-up. These newsletters are quite long as they are so informative, so a one-page version is produced to go on club notice boards to reach a wider audience than just BN members and so that club members can join in BN events. These also act as a useful archive. 
    If you are not on the mailing list and not sure how to sign up, or if you have an event coming up you would like to be included in the newsletter letter, or have a report on how an event went - then let me know so I can include it for the information of everybody.
    Contact: Regional Organiser: nigel.newman@bn.org.uk
    BN ER Newsletter April 24.pdf BN ER Newsletter Aug 24.pdf BN ER Newsletter July 24.pdf BN ER Newsletter June 24.pdf BN ER newsletter March 2024.pdf BN ER Newsletter May 24.pdf BN ER Newsletter Oct 24.pdf BN ER Newsletter Sept 24.pdf
    BN ER Newsletter Oct 24.pdf BN ER Newsletter Nov 24.pdf
    BN ER Newsletter Dec 24.pdf

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Cut off date for bookings is 24 Nov: so get in quick before the deadline or it is sold out.
    British Naturism is split up into regions for convenience, but people who live in one region are welcome to attend events that take place in another region. The Eastern Region Christmas Meal will take place at "The Gate", Bricket Wood (nr St Albans) during the evening of Sunday 1st December. This will be a great opportunity to meet your fellow naturists for a festive meal.
    Booking via BN is mandatory and more information can be found on the BN Eastern Region Calendar as a single point of reference:
    Any questions, please contact: nigel.newman@bn.org.uk
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