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    I caught up with Howard Dymock recently and he told me all about the recent joint walk with the South Western Outdoor Club (SWOC) during July. “Sixteen hardy walkers joined the walk which fortuitously turned out to be a rare fine day, perfect for naturist waking, dry with a warm breeze and sunny intervals”. Howard went on the say “Thanks to a collaboration between several BN volunteers, BN and NatRam members and the Club, we appreciated SWOC’s facilities and hospitality before and after our nine-mile hike through gorgeous west Dorset countryside. It was predictably hilly and not the easiest going in places, but the views were rewarding and the company pleasant. A mix of those experienced and new to naturist walking enjoyed the day. In view of the success of the venture, we hope to repeat a similar walk in future years. A big thank you to all those involved in the organisation and leadership of the day, and to SWOC for their warm welcome and hospitality”. Howard provided me with a great photograph which will be uploaded and he said “Keen-eyed viewers of the group photograph might just be able to spot the seventeenth naturist, the famous Cerne giant, an enigmatic 180’ tall figure of disputed origin cut into the chalk hillside above Cerne Abbas village”. 

  • Guest
    The next Naked event organised by the Southwest Regional Team is a visit the Dorset Museum & Art Gallery in Dorchester on 17th September 2024. 
    Discover the life and work of Dorset’s famous novelist and poet Thomas Hardy and dive into key themes of his personal and professional life. Enjoy a beautiful gallery full of the Museum and Art Gallery’s superb collections of paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, textiles, and fine and decorative art. Marvel at the historic Victorian Hall as well as the modern Acheson’s Atrium adorned by Roman mosaics on the walls and floors of these spaces.  This is an amazing opportunity to enjoy a private viewing of the museum NAKED. 
    The ticket entitles you to a glass of wine or other beverage on arrival; changing facilities; a locker for clothes and other personal possessions and entry to all the galleries.  The museum is situated right in the centre of Dorchester where there are many wonderful eateries to tempt you and keep you sustained after your visit.  Plenty of pay parking is available nearby.  If you need more information or have a question to ask, please contact us at: southwestrep@bn.org.uk.
    You can purchase tickets by clicking here. 
    More details can be found here:

  • Guest
    New day and time from 3rd September 2024.
    Bristol Naked Swim meets every Tuesday at Jubilee Pool, Jubilee Road, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2LP from 8pm to 9pm.
    Everyone is welcome to swim and chat!!
    The cost is £7 (£6 for members of Bristol Naked Swim) per person, payable in cash.
    If you are new to the swim, please contact us in advance by email to terry.lane@bn.org.uk or andrew.dyer@bn.org.uk.

  • Guest
    On the 17th September 2024 we have a visit to the Dorset Museum & Art Gallery in Dorchester. At the Museum, 250 million years of natural history come alive to reveal the secrets of geology, landscapes, habitats, and wildlife that surrounds us every day. You can also discover the life and work of Dorset’s famous novelist and poet Thomas Hardy and dive into key themes of his personal and professional life. Enjoy a beautiful gallery full of the Museum and Art Gallery’s superb collections of paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, textiles, and fine and decorative art. Marvel at the historic Victorian Hall as well as the modern Acheson’s Atrium adorned by Roman mosaics on the walls and floors of these spaces.  This is an amazing opportunity to enjoy a private viewing of the museum NAKED.  You can find out more here.
    On Friday 27th September we are holding a Naked Heart Walk in aid of the British Heart Foundation at Court Farm Lakes in Gloucestershire. Whilst the walk is only about half a mile long you may stroll along the level route at your leisure as many times as you wish. There will also be food available to purchase. You can find out more here.
    On Saturday 19th October, we have a naked quiz and social evening in a modern, vibrant and well-regarded café-bar in the Triangle, adjacent to the central library. Ticket holders will be welcomed from 7pm. A changing area with coat racks will be provided: please bring a towel on which to sit. Windows will be covered and there will be door security to ensure privacy. The cover charge for entry to the event and the quiz includes a welcome drink (choice of bottled beers, 175ml glass of house red, white or rose wine, soft drink or any hot drink). The kitchen and bar will be open for those wanting to eat and drink. It will be the normal evening menu with vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options plus a special hot dish (links below). You don't have to eat if you don't want to: it will be normal counter service and pay-as-you-go, after the initial welcome drink. You can find out more here.

  • Guest
    This really is a last chance to trek with llamas at Bluecaps Farm in the High Weald. The farm have announced their decision to stop trekking due to new licence requirement being introduced shortly. If you were thinking of joining the LASER event on 24 August there are still a few tickets available. Bluecaps' website and Facebook page announces that the trekking has finished but they have confirmed they will honour our booking. So it really is your last chance at this venue! Details of the event and booking link are below.
    Clothing-Optional Llama trek and picnic in the countryside of the High Weald
    LASER region are pleased to present a an opportunity to have a group walk with llamas through private woods at Bluecaps Llama Farm at Cousley Wood near Wadhurst, in East Sussex, followed by a picnic (bring your own) in a clearing. The farm is surrounded by the beautiful countryside of the High Weald, near to Bewl Water.
    We will take it in turns to walk the 8 llamas through the woodlands, clothing optional and finish with a picnic whilst the llamas return home, in the clearing close to the start/finish. Our host Tina recommends strong footwear and protection from the sun and insects. 
    Numbers are restricted to just 20 so if you are interested don’t delay – book your places now!
    Tickets are priced at £26 (BN Members) and £31 (non-members) available through the BN Shop by clicking here.

  • Guest

    Event possibly cancelled

    By Guest, in London and South East,

    In the recent Laser newsletter I listed an "End the Summer with Nothing On" event in Covent Garden on August 31st which was on the BN calendar. I've now been informed the event is cancelled but the website for this event still shows it as on.  The event is organised by Nothing on Events and I'm seeking clarification.

  • Guest
    In the last Laser newsletter I described London as being a naturist desert. Many thanks to Malcolm, Mark and Andy who have written to correct me on this!
    First of all the Noah's Ark swim is inside the M25 in Ewell, Surrey. That mistake was ignorance on my part! I thought it was just outside. However, it's a great swim to visit with first class facilities. The swim is every Sunday between 4 and 6pm. If it's your first visit you must call them on 07940 881 100 in advance. There's a pool a sauna and often activities out of the pool. 
    Every Friday between 8.45pm and 10pm (except bank Holidays) the Watford Naturist Swimming Club hold their swim at the Watford Leisure Centre. It's a family friendly event with sauna and steam room. The pool is 25 metres with a dedicated swimming lane. Once again this swim is inside the M25 but this time in North London! Email  info@wnsc.org.uk for more details.

  • Guest
    Come and join us for a Naked Cruise around Poole Harbour and beyond right in the heart of Dorset?  Climb aboard MV Solent Scene at Poole Quay then sit back and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Dorset Riviera as you cruise around Brownsea Island, past Sandbanks and Old Harry Rocks then along the Jurassic coast towards Swanage, returning past Millionaire’s Row before arriving back at Poole Quay.  Solent Scene has the bar and quiet lounge on the lower deck and the dancefloor on the upper deck. In addition, it has two large outside decks.  The bar will be open throughout so you can purchase drinks for cash or card payment.  Boarding is from Poole Quay at 19.15 hrs with departure at 19.30 hrs and return will be by 22.30 hrs.  You must be dressed to embark and debark the vessel but you will be able to undress after departure and remain naked until just before mooring at the end of the cruise.  This is an adult only cruise.  Several pay car parks are available within easy walking distance of the quayside but beware, there is very little free roadside parking nearby.
    Please contact Keith Bowman at keith.bowman@bn.org.uk with any questions.
    To book, please click here.
    Please note: Booking for the Fish & Chip supper has now finished as we have provided the food numbers to the boats owners! However, it is still possible to join us on the cruise (with no food provided) at the the reduced price £25.25 for BN Members and £27.25 for Non-Members!
    The weather forecast looks great for Friday evening!!!

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    Another visit to this beautiful garden site on the banks of the River Test on 14 August from 5:30pm The tea rooms aren't open but you are encouraged to bring a picnic and soft drinks will be available, or why not pre-order a luxury picnic hamper from Wild Events (the onsite caterer's sister company)?
    Accommodation is available too. Visit https://www.theapplerooms.co.uk/ to check availability and prices at Houghton's Apple Rooms
    Hampers must be booked 48 hours in advance and can be picked up on the evening.
    Classic Picnic Hamper for One: Order online at https://www.wildsevents.co.uk/kingfisher-hampers/
     This stunning hamper contains a fully prepared and chilled picnic for one guest. The picnic includes mineral water and a choice drinks. Also included are napkins, high quality disposable glassware, ice packs and the Cool Bag is yours to keep, therefore no need for any returns!
    Natural & Delicious Brown Bag Crisps (V)
    Home-made Pork, Mustard & Sage Sausage Roll Bites
    Premium Pork Pie wedge
    Wiltshire Cured Ham with Rocket Salad & English Mustard Mayonnaise
    Extra Mature Farmhouse Cheddar, Plum Tomatoes, Abbotts Ann Watercress & Red Onion Marmalade (V)
    Smoked Trout with Cream Cheese & Black Pepper
    Roast Beef with Fiery Horseradish, Abbotts Ann Watercress & Vine Tomatoes
    Free Range Buff Orpington Egg Mayonnaise (V)
    Dark & White Chocolate Tiffin
    Crunchy English Apple
    Delightfully Still Hildon Mineral Water
    2x Estrella Damm Lager / Alcohol Free Lager (please specify in the order comments your requirements)

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