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  • Guest
    We are pleased to introduce a (reasonably) new club for naturists based in the South of England
    The Naturist Activity Club has been set up by BN member Bernie who has a huge amount of enthusiasm for organising naturist activities - where possible outdoors and in areas which are not traditionally naturist
    The club has grown out of Facebook and MeetUp groups, but now has its own Page on the BN website, as well as its own external Website
    The club is focused on a range of sporting and social activities - often of a smaller scale and arranged at relatively short notice when compared to some other naturist clubs. Such activities might include badminton, walking, wild swimming, picnics, cycling and Molkky - to name just a few!
    The club also has a naturist canal trip organised from Odiham in Hampshire later this year - this is scheduled for 27 June and tickets are already on sale
    If you’d like to know more about the club or would like to join or suggest an event why not contact Bernie directly at office@naturistactivityclub.co.uk

  • Guest
    In the last few months we have unfortunately experienced threats to two long-established swims in the London and South East region
    Although we have many great clubs and events across our region, and have made great progress in recent years in expanding opportunities for social nudity and public acceptance of naturism, there are still threats to well-established events from those who misunderstand naturism
    Two swims which had been running for several decades in Dover and Alton have been either suspended or cancelled as a result of their pools being re-developed. In both cases, the introduction of larger areas of glazing overlooking the pools have been used to justify these changes - on the basis that those looking into the pools might be offended or upset by seeing naked swimmers
    The BN campaigns team are of course deeply troubled by these developments as they reduce the provision of naturist swimming in venues which have a long tradition of accessibility to naturists. The decisions taken in these venues make an assumption that non-naturists will not be comfortable seeing naked swimmers and that the opportunity for non-naturists to use other facilities in sports centres are more important than supportIng long established naturist swimming groups - even though these groups might use the centre facilities for less than 1% of the time that they are open
    In both locations, BN are involved in supporting local swimmers to challenge the decisions that have been taken and hope to ensure that naturist swimming continues in the new venues or in suitable alternative local venues
    The campaigns team will also be contacting all BN member swimming clubs in the next few weeks to share information about how they might engage proactively with sports centres, local authorities and other public bodies when pools are being re-developed to ensure that we can maintain opportunities for naturist swimming and maybe even extend these in future
    If you are a member of a swim who would like any advice or support in this area - or are looking to set up a naturist swim in any part of London or the South East, please do contact me at jon.williams@bn.org.uk or the campaigns team leader Ron O’Hare at campaigns@bn.org.uk

  • Guest
    The regional events team for London and the South East have been hard at work over the last few weeks putting together a programme of naturist events for later in the year...
    With the help of many other BN members, we have been able to put together several days of naturist events to make the most of the (hopefully excellent) summer weather in August!
    These events have been organised in the west of our region, close to the New Forest in Hampshire (and a little further afield in Dorset) - and should provide opportunities for social nudity both indoors and outside and in some well-known (as well as more unusual) locations
    The events will all take place between 13 and 15 August
    On 13 August, we’ll head to the well established  Naturist Beach at Studland on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset. This is one of the largest and most well-known naturist beaches in the UK and is very well maintained and supported by the National Trust. It also comes with its own dedicated ice-cream van in the summer, and facilities are available in the naturist area for barbecues. If the weather permits, we’ll be at the beach from at least 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. - look out for the orange BN flag. If you’ve never been to Studland before, this could be a great opportunity - I’ve even included a picture of me on the beach so you know what to expect!
    On 14 August, we have a naked walk organised close to the New Forest. The walk will leave from the Mill Arms pub in Dunbridge, close to Romsey around 12 midday. The walk will be led by BN member (and Naturist Ramblers walk leader) Nigel and will take us on quiet paths for around 10 miles before returning to the pub. We’ll need to be clothed when we meet at the pub, but it should be possible to walk most of the route naked (if the weather is on our side!) - the pub is opposite Dunbridge and Mottisfont station, and also has a large car park where we can leave cars during the afternoon
    Later that evening, the Mill Arms will host a naked dining evening for us - the walk could be a great way to build up an appetite, but you don’t have to come on the walk to join the evening meal. We will have a private room in the pub for the whole evening between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. which has its own bar - so we’ll be able to be naked the whole time. The room also has two skittle alleys and a darts board if you’re feeling energetic
    Tickets for the evening meal will be on sale via the Regional Events section of the BN Events website soon. These are priced at £25 for two courses and £31 for three courses - there is plenty of choice for vegetarians and those needing a gluten-free meal. Families are very welcome at this event and a special children’s menu will be available at £8
    If you don’t fancy the drive (or train ride) home, accommodation will also be available at the Mill Arms on the evening of 14 August. This can also be booked via BN Events - if we are able to let all of the rooms to our group the pub will be happy for the accommodation area to be naturist at to serve breakfast to naturist guests the following morning
    On 15 August, the Avonvale Sun Club in Ringwood have invited us to join their Great British Skinny Dip event in the afternoon. Tickets for this event will be on sale later in the year priced at £5. They have also kindly invited those interested in joining these events to stay at the club on the evenings of 13, 14 and 15 August. Pitches for up to 10 tents will be available. Please contact me directly if you are interested in booking
    So, hopefully you’ll find plenty to do to fill three days with naturist activity on the South coast later this year - why not take this opportunity to try something new, or to travel from a little further afield
    And if three days isn’t enough, the  Naturist Ramblers will also be holding their walk at Grovely close to Salisbury on Wednesday 12 August - last year this attracted over 20 walkers, so could be a great opportunity to take your first ‘steps’ in naked hiking as part of a larger group
    If you have any questions about any of these events, why not drop me a line - jon.williams@bn.org.uk

  • Guest
    We’re already well into February, and many of us will already have enjoyed one of the fantastic naturist events that have already taken place across London and the South East. We’re lucky to have many naturist swims that take place regularly across our region - and many of our member clubs will also arrange events throughout the winter. If you want to find our more, or just to plan a few club visits for later in the year why not head over to the Places section of the BN website
    We also have a couple of great one-off events coming up in March. These might be your opportunity to experience social nudity in a new setting, to meet up with friends that you haven’t seen since last summer - or to introduce someone to naturism for the first time in a welcoming and supportive environment:
    Naked Sunday Lunch in Central London
    On Sunday 01 March we have taken over the whole of the Blue Lion pub in Holborn, Central London - the pub will open for us exclusively between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. and will serve lunch around 3 p.m.
    Cheryl and her team have hosted a number of naturist events in the past so are very comfortable with clothes-free groups. We’ve also timed the lunch to make sure that anyone wanting to join the Naturist London Sunday Swim will be able to do so - why not join both events for a full afternoon of naturism in the heart of London
    Tickets for the lunch are on sale for £25 at BN Events - this Link will take you to the booking page
    Naked Bowling in Ashford, Kent
    A few weeks later, we’ll be heading to Kent for an evening of naked ten-pin bowling at the Hollywood Bowl in Ashford, Kent. We have exclusive use of the Hollywood Bowl in Ashford on Thursday 26 March, starting from 7 p.m.
    Rich and his team at the Hollywood Bowl invited us back for another event in 2020 following on from a very successful evening in Tunbridge Wells last summer
    As we’ll have full use of the venue, it will be possible to be naked throughout the evening - apart from your bowling shoes of course!
    Tickets are on sale now at BN Events via this Link - tickets for BN members are priced at £21 and include two games of bowling, a buffet meal and a drink when you arrive. There is plenty of free parking close to the venue and it is very accessible by public transport - St. Pancras in Central London is less than 40 minutes away by train
    it would be great to see as many people as possible at both of these events - they are both open to non-members as well as members, so why not join us for the evening to enjoy naturism in a safe and welcoming setting
    If you have any questions about either of these events why not get in touch with me - jon.williams@bn.org.uk
    We’re working on new events all the time, so if there’s something that you’d like to suggest why not get in touch

  • Guest

    Rosslyn Glamping Naturist Summer Dates.

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Rosslyn Glamping, have just announced their dates for Naturist Glamping and camping. They also have room for Motorhomes. 
    Set in North Norfolk and close to Holkham Naturist beach on the North Norfolk coast, this site is a hidden gem not to be missed.
    There is an outdoor heated pool and Sauna as well as a lawn for sunbathing. Whether you stay for the whole time or visit for the day, you can have a relaxing experience.
    Here is their website with some great photos of the site.
    Here are the booking details below;
    Then in July;
    If you have an event you would like to be featured, or  news pertaining to our Eastern Region; you can contact; us on;
    Andy Gilmour - easternpro@bn.org.uk
    Cathy Bromley - easternsecretary@bn.org.uk

  • Guest

    The FolkCafe Meal in April Cancelled.

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Hi Everyone
    The upoming meal at The Folkcafe near Bury st edmunds in Suffolk has been cancelled. The reason for this is down to the cost of the meals being inflated too high.
    But we still have plenty of other events to look forwardto in the coming months.

  • Guest

    A Murder Mystery Report from Oxfordshire

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Last Saturday evening a curious event happened in the hone county of Oxfordshire;
    May I present to you photographic evidence that shows;
    What do naturists do in the winter when the beaches are cold and wet? In Abingdon last week they solved a murder. To be precise they worked out that Jasper was a killer, in Annie's restaurant at the Boat House and that Clark was crushed by a sofa at Nudefest. Not exactly classic Cluedo clues but that was the correct answer. Fifty naked dinners  from Dine Naked Oxford and British Naturism turned sleuth and had a fantastic Moroccan themed meal at Annie's at theBoathouse on the banks of the Thames. They were entertained by the Oxford Imps, a hugely funny improvisation group, who played the suspects and the victim. There was no script and the actors improvised based on suggestions from the diners. 
    During the meal the cast set the scene and gave us clues (and a few red herrings) whilst one of the actors played dramatic piano music.They also went from table to table to be questioned by the audience. Though the action had a great comedic element, our Sherlock Holmes wannabees still grilled suspects such as bean magnate (and obsessive) Wilfred Copperbottom, Davis the butler with a chip on his shoulder and Jacqueline, the very French artist.
    What did the actors make of their unusual audience? They thought they were great and look forward to performing for a naturist audience again. At another performance for naturists at a major London theatre two years ago several of that cast declared it the best audience they had ever had.
    By Andy Wyman and Sandra.
    If you would like to attend another event in Oxfordshire; 
    Mupp (aka Mike) and Sandra are hosting The Call My Buff Quiz in March;
    Lots to look forward to in Oxfordshire!

  • Guest
    Looking ahead to March .  Mike aka (Mupp) is hosting The Call My Buff Quiz in Abingdon, Oxfordshire on 7th March at 7pm.
    Tickets are now available for this Fun event.
    See below;
    Additionally; on 14th March we have a naked 3 course  Meal in a Pub in Hemel Hempstead.
    The Great News the Meal tickets have sold out although accommodation may still be available;

  • Guest
    With regards to the Whittlesford Clothing optional dining event, two of our British Naturism members were interviewed on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire recentĺy.
    The members interviewed were Robert Finney and Ian Beeby. 
    The Interview begin 21 minutes into the lunchtime show. Then there is a song by Travis and the interview continues after the song.
    Please click on the link below;

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