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    Looking beyond COVID-19

    By Guest, in North West,

    Looking beyond COVID 19…
    It’s certainly difficult to predict how long it will be before we can return to enjoying our Naturist lifestyle to the full extent again but what exactly will have changed? We all enjoy flying to a warmer climate and sunbathing naked but will the appetite be there to board an aircraft or book a cruise so readily in the foreseeable future? This is probably doubtful - or at best, debatable.
    The majority of people I speak to say they would be very reluctant to simply return to booking foreign holidays immediately, sitting shoulder to shoulder with fellow travellers, so will our British based events, clubs and swims profit from this? I believe that is entirely in our hands, but as a former club membership secretary, I am fully aware that the window of recruitment for clubs is a limited one, from around April to August for most landed clubs unless they have an indoor pool of course. So for most of these clubs to take advantage of this obviously depends on how long this ‘lock down’ situation continues… 
    The many Naturist swim locations across Britain could benefit from increased attendances all year round and the GBSD campaign could expand exponentially with increased promoting. Online events have already become popular and they will no doubt be here to stay. We have already seen a welcome increase in BN member numbers, but considering there are around four million Naturists in the UK and there are less than nine thousand members within BN, then we  obviously have a massive opportunity to expand long term -  post ‘lockdown’. This NW webpage contains a list of all the north west clubs, swims and events.  
    Looking further forward, there will certainly be many opportunities for both clubs and swims to capitalise on this unique opportunity to recruit by taking advantage of their club’s BN membership and using the free magazine space and webpages - utilising online articles that are widely available for clubs and swims. Your regional co-ordinator’s contact address is displayed in the BN magazine. The clubs with the closer connections to British Naturism will obviously be in an advantageous position, ready for the influx of visitors, should they arrive! 
    New initiatives and promotions can be utilised, such as 'club open days’ and clubs could attempt to redress the gender balance by engaging in the ‘Women in Naturism’ campaign, such as promoting a ‘women visit free’ month during the quieter periods. ‘Solos’ weekends’ are always well attended and ‘Families’ weekends’ can also be popular - The latter went well when I trialled them. If you wish to write an article about your club, just send it to me and I will insert it into the north west webpages or this north west newsfeed page. 
    Swim venues could throw open their doors wider by adopting the same procedures that Team GBSD are currently operating, such as ‘Just turn up with I.D. on the day’ or the ‘Ladies visit for free’ initiative which we have recently trialled successfully at some GBSD events as part of our ‘Women in Naturism’ campaign. For swims and beach events which include the annual Morfa Dyffryn GBSD skinny dip, (now rescheduled for September 5th), there are many positives that can be taken from a situation that British based Naturists are wanting to stay closer to home, eager to enjoy Naturism in beautiful Britain! 
    Ron O’Hare (North West News).
    mailto: nwnewsletter@bn.org.uk


  • Guest

    Dine Naked Oxford Virtual Dining

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Hi Everyone
    I am pleased to be able to promote an event to you that is going ahead. 
    From  Dine Naked Oxford Sandra and Mupp, are hosting a virtual meal experience. 
    The meal will be Spaghetti Bolognese. You can cook it authentically yourself, buy one, or Nuke a Spag bog in the microwave. 
    The meal will be followed by Mupps (Mike's) interactive Quiz. All achieved via video link.
    The evening will be great for couples, or whole families, or for singles, in fact everyone. With fun good food and an outbreak of enjoyment followed by a helping of naked diners. 
    Here are the details fron Sandra;
    You may want to brush up on your Italian!!

  • Guest
    Hi Everyone
    John Gelder our Eastern Walks Coordinator would like to inform  those of you keen on walking that as a result of Government restrictions being extended for potentially another four weeks; two of our regional walks have been affected;
    Firstly; The  Tring walk on Friday 24th April has now been  CANCELLED.
    Secondly; The  Aston Abbots Walk on Friday 15th May has now been CANCELLED.
    John will be monitoring the situation, following Government advice and instructions.
    Once the Lockdown has been lifted some walks may be able to be rescheduled. John will keep those of you on the mailing list informed  as to the status of the Walks.
    In the meantime, it may be worth polishing your walking boots ready to go;

  • Guest


    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Yesterday as you know we held our regional Email based voting of the AGM.  Here are the results below:
    RESULTS 2020
    FOR  25
    AGAINST  0
    ABSTAIN  2
    FOR  27
    AGAINST  0
    ABSTAIN  0
    FOR  26
    AGAINST  0
    ABSTAIN  1
    FOR  24
    AGAINST  1
    ABSTAIN  1
    AGENDA ITEM 4.4:                        TO ELECT ANDREW GILMOUR AS PRO FOR 1 YEAR;
    FOR  27
    AGAINST  0
    ABSTAIN  0
    All voting was completed electronically.
    8 Clubs voted.
    19 Individual members voted
    A Quorum was achieved

  • Guest


    By Guest, in Eastern,

    The Visit to the Museum located in Milton Keynes has been cancelled for now. However; the good news is that once the museum is able to open again, the visit to the Museum will be Rearranged.

  • Guest

    Carry on campaigning

    By Guest, in North West,

    We have all been rocked back on our heels recently due to COVID 19 and no one has escaped the effects of this virus, whether it be self isolation, the scampering around for basic items at the supermarkets or more seriously the affects of the illness itself - we are all affected in some way. Social distancing has become the norm and as a result the BN events and campaigns have suffered mind boggling setbacks, but our health takes priority. There has been a tremendous amount of work performed during the winter months in order to accommodate a great season of events and no one has been busier than our events chief Mark Walsh. He is dealing with this superbly by updating us on this new page on the website. The campaigns Task Force have also been busy creating and promoting and are now also adversely affected, with GBSD being the worst affected campaign, with many events being put on hold for who knows how long? 
    On the positive side, the news that BN have acquired the grounds of the Sunfolk club on the outskirts of the capital and intend to create a gold standard venue, is a fabulous initiative and certainly a positive asset for the future of Naturism. Read more from BN president Mark Bass.  Our Women in Naturism Co-ordinator Donna Price is back home after a long holiday in Australia and we all look forward to her resuming her work with more positive input into the campaign by creating more articles for general press releases and of course the BN magazine.  The Just One Person campaign is continuing via phone calls, text messaging, social media and emailing Read all about it on the BN member's forum . Have you told anyone recently about your privileged Naturist lifestyle? Carry on campaigning.  #NormalisingNaturism. The North West region now have their own news pages within the main BN website view here, for fast flowing news updates of events, clubs and swims including naked walking etc. This can also be replicated by other regions - the tools are there and assistance readily available.             Stay safe - and hopefully we will be back to full steam ahead before too long.

  • Guest

    YEM Region Update

    By Guest, in Yorkshire and East Midlands,

    We live in an interesting age. No-one could have foreseen the disruption caused  worldwide by the Covid-19 virus. As is only to be expected, it has hit long planned events. I learnt today (Thursday) that Bramley Baths in Leeds has closed temporarily.

    "The health and wellbeing of all our customers is our absolute priority for everyone at Bramley Baths. Following the latest update regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, we have taken the decision to temporarily close our building from 9pm Wednesday, 18 March."
    This impacts on the Leeds Naturist Group who normally hold weekly swims here on a Saturday evening.
    For more information use the websites:
    for Bramley Baths and for the Leeds group.

    Unfortunately the flagship event of the region Nudestock has been cancelled for this year. This is another casualty of the Virus. Although it was scheduled for May, all BN events for that month have been either postponed or cancelled. As this is a fast changing time, there are daily updates to be found on the BN website . One knock on effect of this is the need to find a new date and venue for the region's AGM when new officers will be elected

    The Sheffield Swim is also affected. The pool will now be closing early on a Sunday and our session is postponed for the near future. More updates on the pool will be on the pool's website. If I'm being optimistic, the earliest resumption we're looking at is the May swim, but I don't know yet what the situation will be then.

    The Ryedale Swim is cancelled until further notice according to their website https://www.ryedalenaturistclub.co.uk/

    The ironic thing is that swimming pools are among the safest places to be as the chlorine in the water kills the virus. The danger lies in travel to the venues and as the kesp website puts it "Of concern, though, is the interaction that pool users have with each other beyond the swimming activity. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is evolving and characteristics of the virus are still being determined."

    At the time of writing Sleaford was still taking place but now that leisure centres are closed this too has fallen victim.   We're entering a period of uncertainty. Stay safe everyone. We may be walking through a long tunnel, but at some point we'll be coming out.
      EDIT: Friday March 20th 17-10 Leisure Centres closing nationwide.

  • Guest

    Eastern Region AGM

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Hi Everyone
    You may know already. But our AGM has been cancelled for now, in light of the current situation with the Corona virus  pandemic. 
    Here is a copy of the email regarding the AGM sent by Cathy Bromley our Eastern Regional Secretary;
    Hello to our members and member clubs.

    Following guidelines from BN EC, we regretfully need to cancel our AGM,
    planned for 5th April at Broadlands. Government guidelines for COVID-19
    advise against gatherings at this time and to safeguard our member's
    health, we need to heed this advice.

    Once restrictions are no longer in place, we will organise a replacement Regards,

    Cath Bromley
    Secretary, BN Eastern Region


  • Guest

    Mikron Theatre Production Cancelled

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Hi Everyone.
    Sandra has just let me know that her evening in August with the production of 
    Its a Dogs Tale.
    Mikron cancelled 21/8
    Sadly this event has now been cancelled this is due to the fact they are a touringTheatre Company that is due to start their tour shortly.
    Please go to the link below for refund information
    By Sandra
    Please keep reading the events pages and newsgeed regulrly for updates on events.

  • Guest

    Annual SW Region Meeting - Postponed

    By Guest, in South West,

    With the uncertainty of the Coronavirus over the next weeks, the SW team have decided to postpone the forthcoming meeting on Saturday 4th April, until further notice.
    We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope to reconvene a meeting in the Autumn.
    Graham Holland
    SW Secretary

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