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    Rosslyn Glamping have generously opened their site; that has a wonderful outdoor heated swimming pool; for Naturist use again this June.
    The owners are friendly and hospitable. With pitches for Caravans, Motorhomes and Tents. There is plenty of Space to suit your manner of stay. Day trippers are also Welcome.
    On site also are Glamping Trailers to rent if you want that touch of Glamour to your stay.
    If you would like to Book a stay at Rosslyn; it is located in North Norfolk and close to Holkham Beach; here is the link below to their website;
    "glamping North Norfolk www.rosslynglamping.com" https://www.rosslynglamping.com
    Next; We have a visit to the beautiful Fullers Mill Gardens in Suffolk just outside Bury st Edmunds. Close to the A14 and A11. 
    The event is on Sunday 20th June from 5:30pm until 8pm.
    This year the event is partnering with the British Heart Foundation;
    The gardens are Botanical and host rare species of plants from around the world.There are giant Bamboo plants, Alpines, and many other plants that are expertly managed.
    The staff are always willing to help you and can  answer any questions you may have. There is also a large Free Car park.
    There is a seating area with drinks and home made cakes available from the shop. 
    The river Lark runs through the centre of the gardens . The gardens are managed by a team of volunteer gardeners whom are led by a Head Gardener. The gardens were originally private but were left to the public by the last resident of the cottage at the centre of the gardens.
    Last year we had a fun time in the warmth of the sun. We had several first time Naturists attend.
    Do you know someone whom would like to try Naturism?.
    Why not invite them along to enjoy a relaxed natural environment and fresh air. Check out the photos above.
    The Ticket Booking link is below;
    So in in all; some great Events coming up.

  • Guest


    By Guest, in Eastern,

    This week we have our Eastern Region  AGM on Sunday 6th June at 11am. The reminder, with the Hyperlink for the online zoom meeting will be sent to members.
    We also have the Peterborough Lido Naked Swim.  On Saturday 12th June from 7:30pm until 10pm. Last held in 2019 as part of The Great British Skinny Dip (GBSD), we had as many as 10 first time naturists attend.
    The Pool is Heated and is of an Olympic size. There is a Poolside  Shop where Food and drinks are available. There are Lockers for personal belongings. Next door to the Lido is a Free large Car Park, The train station is 15 minutes walk away and there is a Premier Inn Hotel nearby to the Lido.
    This is a great event to invite your friends,family and colleagues to try naturism for the first time, in a fun and relaxed way.
    Here are some photos and the link for Booking Tickets;
    Peterborough Lido Naturist Swim - Eastern - British Naturism (bn.org.uk)

  • Guest

    Eastern Regions Events Coming Up.

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    The next few months are exciting.
    Coming up we have many events in the Eastern Region to get involved with;
    We have several  Naturist Walks led by Andrew Roch. in compliance with covid and Ramblers Association guidelines.
    We also have moved the AGM online. We have Brewery visits and Canal boat Trips. The Mikron Theatre group  is giving a performance. We have Museum visits. We have Garden visits  We have nudist beach visits and many more events lined up!
    Please see our Eastern Events listing;
    The Events  are for sale in the BN Shop. Events tickets are being sold quickly, so get onboard and book your tickets ASAP.
    Here is a link to the BN shop;

  • Guest

    Wilstone Naturist Walk

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Wilstone Naturist Walk Cancelled
    The  year's  first walk on Friday 19th March at 12:30pm has been cancelled due to covid restrictions.
    However; the other walks listed on the the eastern regional events page are being left in the schedule. Please see link below;
    Upcoming Naturist Events - BN Eastern Region - British Naturism
    Our new Walks Coordinator Andrew Roch is currently in talks with and taking advice from the Ramblers Association while keeping a close eye on Government guidelines.

  • Guest
    Recently a new Sports Officer for the Eastern Region was appointed. Ian Beeby has recently agreed to adopt the role. He is a
    volunteer on the Eastern Regional Committee and has previously served in other volunteer roles, and most  recently as ; Vice Chairman  of the
    In recent times the use of sport within British Naturism's Eastern Region has been put on the back burner. with the Covid 19 Pandemic
    being  a large factor in this. so to reinvigoraate naturist Sport in our region. Ian will be planning ahead and working with the relevant sport
    governing bodies and following Government guidelines to provide sport in this year of 2021.
    We wish Ian every success as he embarks on his new role as Sports Officer.
    We also have a new Walks Coordinator. Andrew Roch is an experienced walker and has recently taken over the role from John Gelder, whom has become the National Volunteer Officer.
    Andrew has begun planning walks for this year, so when government guidelines permit his planned walks will begin.
    We wish both Andrew and John every success in their new roles.
    Article by Andy Gilmour

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    Working for Naturism throughout the pandemic…
    Due to the ‘Lock down’ situation you would be forgiven for thinking that we are busy doing nothing at BN behind the scenes – when nothing could be further from the truth! All the regional coordinators and other volunteers have been busy beavering away at creating regional and National events. The South West team are busy helping to arrange a camping event at Thorney Lakes in September, The Eastern rep is setting up Garden visits, the Saner rep is collaborating with the National events team with ‘The Gathering’ Others are busy setting dates for events and uploading these into the BN calendar.
    Every volunteer is contributing to the GBSD campaign by way of connecting their events to the growing list of regional events for the GBSD / BHF Alliance - the BHF fundraising manager Hannah is the ‘go to’ person for BHF and she is engaging fortnightly with Siobhan and myself via Zoom. We now have a list of connected 'member led' events (nationally) that is fast approaching 50. We are constantly seeking out venues, so any suggestions are welcome, please send them to campaigns@bn.org.uk  
    The North West Outreach and North West Action groups are constantly engaging via Workplace, WhatsApp and video conference calls. So – Pandemic permitting, we can later give the membership a full programme of regional events.
    Hope to see you all soon….

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    2021 Naked Outdoors

    By Guest, in North West,

    2021 – Naked Outdoors.
    2020 has been a year best forgotten in terms of promoting the usual annual club events in the North West region, so where exactly the New year will take us is – as yet, unsure and difficult to predict. We did manage quite a few member led events such as the Beacon Tarn Naked walk and skinny dip (twice), a handful of beach days including the new find at Roanhead in Cumbria (thanks to Garibaldi Nick) and a Naked evening at Dorothy Clive gardens – thanks to John Rodgers for arranging that one. Thankfully John will be continuing to lead Naked walks in the south of the region, despite retiring as NW Coordinator.
    It’s been a frustrating first few months for Amanda Lee, the new NW Coordinator and myself leading the Campaigns task force, when we were both so enthusiastic about what we planned to achieve working together. The most positive aspect was the expansion of our ‘North West Action’ workplace group and the emergence of the new WhatsApp group ‘NW Outreach’, bringing together BN members from around the region to engage and take part in regional events, enabling us to walk Naked safely outdoors with ‘safety in numbers’ being applied, registering for ‘Track and Trace’.  
    The many new faces are hard to keep track on, so the ‘NW Outreach’ group  intend to hold regular Zoom sessions before and during the season to familiarise ourselves again and make concrete plans for who does what and where during 2021 – any new ideas or suggestions for beach locations etc are welcome. Don’t forget we already have St Annes beach for Naturist use on any day of the week, so maybe we could utilise our WhatsApp group for regular meet ups there.
    I aim to create a national network of Campaigns volunteers for 2021, so this should lead to more success if the Covid-19 vaccine is successful – hopefully a new volunteer applicant will be joining the official campaigns team soon - he will be leading and expanding the Naked walking programme locally, applying his knowledge and experience of Naked walking throughout the Lake district.
    The unpredictable increase in interest for Naked walking has been a real eye opener and I would also like to look at expanding on the Naked Garden visits - another outdoor initiative that is always popular and well attended. These can be facilitated midweek or after the Gardens’ normal hours at weekends. I’ve already had a positive reply from the manager of a gardens venue near Warrington – inviting the two of us for a day visit in the Spring to see if it is suitable. All these to supplement the national BN Events programme.                                                         
    The Great British Skinny Dip…  
    I am sure you are aware of my passion for this campaign and I hope to return to finding many more new venues – this time with the help of campaigns volunteers nationwide, challenging discriminatory refusals vociferously through the appropriate channels. The new venue in East Lancashire have kept in touch and seem keen to facilitate us on the restart of the campaign. Also the new manager at Penketh has promised notifications when appropriate, Wigton are always in touch with possible restart dates, these are all updated regularly  on NW News online.
    Ron O’Hare (Campaigns Task Force, Team GBSD)
    Email: ron.ohare@bn.org.uk

  • Guest

    Valley Farm Vineyards For Sale

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Last Summer many of us enjoyed a day out near Halesworth at Valley Farm Vineyards. Our two female hosts were, very hospitable and knowledgeable about the industey and their wines. 
    Sadly they have decided to move on. Here is an article about them;
    East Anglian Daily Times: Halesworth, Suffolk, vineyard for sale as owners move on. https://www.eadt.co.uk/business/valley-farm-vineyards-on-the-market-1-6823025

  • Guest

    Do you live in South Wales?

    By Guest, in South West,

    An exciting opportunity to be part of BN's South West Region Leadership Team, coordinating and promoting a programme of naturist activities and opportunities in South Wales, and a great opportunity for someone who likes connecting with others!  As the South Wales Representative you will act as a contact point for members, provide information about local opportunities, promote naturism as a healthy lifestyle and encourage more people in South Wales to become involved in naturism.  Find out more details from HERE, then if you are interested contact our Regional Coordinator Mike Whitcombe for an informal chat.

  • Guest

    NW Action group

    By Guest, in North West,

    The North West Action group - leading us out of restrictions incrementally with many outdoor events and the September relaunch of the successful Wigton Naturist swim….
    With the Beacon Tarn Naked walk and skinny dip and a first ever organised beach day at Roanhead beach near Barrow in Furness under our belts – the latter was well documented by the local paper ‘The Barrow Mail’ and a positive interview drew plenty of attention to our right to take off our clothes on any beach, despite a local councillor saying we would perhaps disturb the wildlife! Due to popular demand we are to revisit Beacon Tarn on the 19th September, but before that we have the Morfa Dyffryn annual beach day on 5th September – more information can be found on North West News online. -  Updated daily. 
    Naked swimming returns to the Wigton Pool !
    After 5 long months without a swim, this ‘Great British Skinny Dip’ associated swimming pool – Wigton, are reopening their doors and welcoming back Naturist swimming again every second Saturday in the month - beginning on the 12th September 2020 2-4pm. There is a limit of 27 swimmers to comply with social distancing, so be sure to ring the Wigton pool and book your spot. Please bring photo I.D. and proof of address if it’s your first visit. Ladies visiting for the first time can contact the North West ‘Women in Naturism’ campaign coordinator -  Elizabeth via email for a personal welcome.  
    Wigton Pool T. 016973 42412 
    North West Clubs opening their doors for visitors.
    We now have several North West clubs opening their doors for visitors,  with one particular club leading the way by inviting visitors to join on the first ever visit! Yes, you can visit Morecambe Bay Naturist Club by appointment and become members immediately! Please be sure to book in advance by emailing MBNC enquiries -  BN members can email the Chairman direct.
    M. 07467 24 66 90
    Liverpool Sun & Air are accepting visitors, please visit their website for more info about this modern British Naturism supportive club.
    M. 07947 48 07 07.
    Ashdene Naturist Club (Just over the border) are welcoming visitors, but be sure to book in advance to visit this premier Naturist club, as visitor numbers are limited. There are 3 club caravans available to hire, but only to members at present, due to restrictions.
    M. 07519 95 28 07
    Telford Naturist Club Visitors are welcome again with their own unit, but they must use their own toilet and shower. Day visits are not yet possible. Please be sure to book in advance.
    M. 07760 61 83 67.
    Lancashire Sun are accepting visitors too - see the ‘visitor page’ on their website.
    See the 'Clubs' page on North West News online. for up to date news on Club visits.
    Ron O’Hare 

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