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  • Guest

    MNSC Swim in Bury

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Just a reminder that Saturday 26th March there is a MNSC Swim at Bury St Edmunds Swimming Pool.
    Here are the details:
    Just by way of explanation. MNSC stands for, Mildenhall Naturist Swim Club. 
    The club used to meet at the Mildenhall municipal Pool, but is no longer able to. The club now meet's in Newmarket's and Bury at Edmund's respective Pools'.

  • Guest

    Naked Dining At The Duncombe Arms

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    On Sunday 20th March at 7pm The Duncombe Arms in Waresley, Cambridgeshire is hosting a Naked dining event.
    Tickets are £29.95  per person
    There will be a 3 course meal with several options for each course including a gluten free option available upon request.
    This is a great Opportunity to invite aspiring first time naturist family and friends.
    For more information and booking details see below;

  • Guest

    Christmas Common Walk Date Amendment

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Hi Everyone.
    In this month's  Regional Newsletter published today, the date advertised for the Christmas Common Walk was 28th April. However; the correct date is Friday 29th April.
    The walks organised by Andrew and Amanda Roche remain popular. If you would like to join a walk, you can email Andrew and Amanda at;

  • Guest

    Watford Naturist Swim Club Dates.

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Earlier this week, the new Eastern Newsletter announced the incorrect Watford swim Days and times in the entry; 
    ' News from Eastern England'.
    In Clarification; The correct Tmes are;
    Every Friday Evening from 8:45pm to 10pm except Public Holidays.
    Watford Swim has use of a 25 m pool, steam room and sauna.

  • Guest

    Naturist Swim in Bury St. Edmunds

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    This coming Saturday 29th January, between 4:30pm and 6pm their is a naked swim at The Leisure Centre in Bury St Edmunds , Suffolk. The Steam Room and Sauna are also available to use from 4:30pm until 5:30pm.
    The swim is being organised by Mildenhall Naturist Swim Club (MNSC).
    Admission is £10 for MNSC members and £12 for non members.
    Please click below for further details;

  • Guest

    Northampton Sun Group Swim

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Just a reminder that Northampton Sun Group has it's second swim on;
    Sunday 13th February 
    From 5:30pm until 8pm.
    Please click Northampton Sun Group below for more details;
    The swim's future dates are;
    Sunday 13 March 2022
    Sunday 10th  April 2022
    Sunday 8th May 2022

  • Guest

    Clothes Optional Dining in Cambridgeshire.

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    On Saturday 15th January at 7pm. In the village of Sawston, Cambridgeshire (just south east of Cambridge) we have a 3 course meal, hosted by our eastern region committee member Ian Beeby. 
    The venue is the village community hall. There is parking on site, and nearby.
    This is a great event to invite your friends, family or work colleagues whom may be aspiring naturists for the first time. As many of you know, these naked dining events are very popular with both couples and singles attending.
    The menu is a 3 course meal with a vegetarian option, provided with alcoholic or soft drinks . For further information on the;
    menu, tickets, accommodation and transport links. 
    Please see the information below;

  • Guest

    Northampton Sun Group

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    Great News!
    Northampton Sun Group is Re-opening in the New Year.
    Here are their opening Dates for your Diary;
    Sunday 9th January 2022
    Sunday 13th February 2022
    Sunday 13 March 2022
    Sunday 10th  April 2022
    Sunday 8th May 2022.
    For more information please see below;

  • Guest

    Grand Union Canal

    By Guest, in Eastern,

    As a Reminder;Tomorrow, Saturday 11th September, we have a Narrowboat cruise on the Grand Union Canal.
    The cruise is starting from Nash Mills , just south of Hemel Hempstead. The cruise commences at 2pm, and will end at 6pm. Tea and Coffee will be provided.
    Below are more essential details, please click on Grand Union Canal Cruise below;

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