Working for Naturism throughout the pandemic…
Due to the ‘Lock down’ situation you would be forgiven for thinking that we are busy doing nothing at BN behind the scenes – when nothing could be further from the truth! All the regional coordinators and other volunteers have been busy beavering away at creating regional and National events. The South West team are busy helping to arrange a camping event at Thorney Lakes in September, The Eastern rep is setting up Garden visits, the Saner rep is collaborating with the National events team with ‘The Gathering’ Others are busy setting dates for events and uploading these into the BN calendar.
Every volunteer is contributing to the GBSD campaign by way of connecting their events to the growing list of regional events for the GBSD / BHF Alliance - the BHF fundraising manager Hannah is the ‘go to’ person for BHF and she is engaging fortnightly with Siobhan and myself via Zoom. We now have a list of connected 'member led' events (nationally) that is fast approaching 50. We are constantly seeking out venues, so any suggestions are welcome, please send them to campaigns@bn.org.uk
The North West Outreach and North West Action groups are constantly engaging via Workplace, WhatsApp and video conference calls. So – Pandemic permitting, we can later give the membership a full programme of regional events.
Hope to see you all soon….