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  • Venues for NHW/GBSD Events - 2025

    A Quest to find more North West venues – will you join us in 2025?

    We are currently searching for more venues where we can perform more Naked Heart Walks, also venues that could possibly accommodate us for our fabulous campaign, ‘The Great British Skinny Dip’ – we achieved over 500 listings during 2024 nationwide, but with your help we can do much better during 2025 and beyond, raising more funds for our charity partner BHF and expand the list of Naturist friendly venues in the process.

    I believe that some members of British Naturism have actually terminated their membership in the past because of the lack of venues in their vicinity, so we are busy attempting to change this - and with your help, this can be achieved. The GBSD venues don’t have to be Olympic size pools with gyms etc, we would probably enjoy more success if we looked at small to medium size venues that boasts a pool and maybe a sauna or steam room - affordability is an important element.

    If you are aware of any local venues that could be ideal for a 90 minute or a 2 hour pool hire for a GBSD event or alternatively a venue such as large gardens or stately homes that could possibly be approached for Naked Heart Walks, please let me know - if you would like someone else to make an approach, then 'Team North West' would readily make contact. If you would like to join 'Team North West' in a volunteering role, please feel free to email me.


    North West News Online


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