Expanding GBSD in the North West and beyond!
Ever thought you could possibly make a difference by volunteering to help and always wanted to get involved with helping British Naturism move forward in our region? If so there are lots of venues out there that haven’t yet been approached to hold naked swimming sessions in their swimming pools. If we don’t knock on doors they won’t open! There are currently too few volunteers attempting to expand and create within a region that stretches from Birmingham to the Borders and from Macclesfield to Millom!
Although The GBSD campaign is flourishing and now an all year round campaign,, we really need more people to help out throughout all of our region and beyond, probing for new venues here and there, asking local pools or lidos if they can accommodate us for a Great British Skinny Dip event and eventually encouraging venues into welcoming us on a monthly basis. If you feel you can make a difference in the region, you will have enormous back up support and find Team GBSD inspirational to work with, as I have found myself.
Interested, but not confident enough to make an approach? Then we will support you all the way by making the official ground breaking initial contact until you want to become involved. Have you seen a sparsely populated swimming pool recently? Then why not ask about turning this quiet period, which most venues have, into a Naturist session. That’s exactly how the Wigton swim was created – A venue run by Trustees with a cash shortage will always listen to alternative ways of raising cash and the Wigton Trustees certainly have no regrets. Alternatively, if you want to pass on to me a suggested venue and don’t wish to get involved, then please do so. I will check out all suggestions and follow all leads.
Ron (Campaigns Task Force)
Email: campaigns@bn.org.uk