2020 Let's dive right in!
Where will 2020 take us?
We will certainly have plenty of choice with a variety of options at our disposal so we needn’t have a vacant weekend with nothing to do – we are more likely to have Nothing on! Now is the time to plan your Naturist year ahead…visit North West News Online
Whether it be one of the national BN events you would like to book or you might fancy a visit to one of our region’s ten landed clubs and nine swim venues, (some of which include spas), many will be staging plenty of official Great British Skinny Dip events throughout the year. Browse the north west calendar for naked rambles, naked dining, naked bike rides, a naked garden visit to the Dorothy Clive gardens, a naked boat trip on the Shropshire union canal, naked yoga in Birmingham, naked camping at Windermere in July followed by a ‘families’ event at Liverpool Sun & Air - led by the BN families officer. The choice has never been better!
Just Announced - The BHF charity links up with British Naturism!
Read all about it We are exploring all possibilities for staging a North West Beach skinny dip on midsummer’s day linked to fund raising for the British Heart Foundation. Watch this space for the announcement of the designated beach! We will also be looking at linking more new events to the Charity.
NW 2020 Events selling fast!
The Blackpool weekend February 28th – March 2nd is a ‘circus’ themed weekend and still available but selling out fast! There are a few rooms left but please be sure to grab one soon to avoid disappointment. The price includes the Sandcastle swim which can be booked separately or book both as a package.
Stoke Waterworld – Our biggest event of the year! Now booking and expected to sell out once again. April 4th 6 -8 pm. Waterworld, Festival Park, Stoke-on-Trent.
Wigton Swim
The regular second-Saturday-of-the-month swim at Wigton, Cumbria recently celebrated its first birthday. When it began, the local paper helped publicise it and we recently invited the journalist who wrote the piece to write about it again. The December swim raffle raised over £200 with wine donated by BN members.
Our 2020 vision nationally…
The national events season kicks off at Bournemouth with the 60’s weekend beginning 26th January, but there’s loads more to choose from including the flagship ‘Nudefest’ event –now on sale More details here. Our forward thinking BN events manager (Mark Walsh) is already planning events and booking venues for us to enjoy during 2021. We now have North West News online within the BN North West News Page which can be continually updated with regular, newsy material as supplied by members. There will also be a Newsletter dropping into your email inbox, if you have subscribed, with links to updated items within this online version.
Anyone wishing to update me or write about your club event or maybe write a promotional article for future publications, email: nwnewsletter@bn.org.uk
Ron (Editor, NW News).