The weather is getting better by the day (sort of!!) and summer is here. And we are so lucky in the LASER region to have so many walks planned. I tried to think why walking in the country is so good for you and found this quote from the Woodland Trust and it sums it up perfectly:
5 minutes walking in nature improves mood, self-esteem, and relaxation. Frequent exposure to nature reduces anxiety and depression, while promoting a sense of wellbeing and fulfillment. Physcial activity in a green space can reduce stress and lowers cortisol levels by 15%.
What a wonderful description that is..... and of course walking naked adds to the feeling twice over.
We have two walks coming up organised by Mike Ryan and here are the details.
JULY 4TH Ashdown Forest
This is an 18km walk in Ashdown Forest and through the beautiful West Sussex coutryside. The walk is fairly level with only some minor hills and no major climbs. The walk will meet at 11:00am in Ashdown Forest Meeting location: Millbrook East Car Park, Ashdown Forest https://maps.app.goo.gl/D7Ftumn3DYqF6XXV8 What three words - specifies.caramel.snacks Postcode TN22 3HW(It may also be possible to pick up people from East Grinstead train station, depending on numbers. Please contact Mike Ryan before-hand to confirm)
Contact: Mike Ryan 07958 750139 Walk leader: Phil Harris 07711 640060
AUGUST 8TH Markbeech
We will be holding the next of the SE naturist walks in the Markbeech area on Thursday 8th August. (Markbeech is very roughly, halfway between Tunbridge Wells and East Grinstead)
Meeting location: TBC Contact: Mike Ryan 07958 750139 Walk leader: Phil Harris 07711 640060
As always, please ensure you bring enough water and snacks for the walk.