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  • The Cuckoo Trail charity walk report by Keith Palmer



    The purpose of my two (so far) annual clothes-optional charity walks along part of the Cuckoo Trail in East Sussex (a former railway line  used frequently by walkers, cyclists and even horse riders) was to try  to demonstrate that naturists are normal citizens who simply prefer to spend their down-time without clothes (perfectly legal as we all know) but who, like any other grouping of like-minded people, might wish to raise money for a charity by a sponsored walk (again a common-enough event).

    To attract more women, I chose a charity, Breast Cancer Now, which is concerned with a disease, though by no means unknown in the male population, is much more prevalent among women. This year at least we had one brave lady, Dee, who arrived with her husband for the walk, and stripped off readily from the start and remained naked throughout in spite of the indifferent weather. But where were the other ladies ?  It would have been great to have had more women as a more equal mix of the sexes leads to better public perception. Hopefully Dee will report to other women of her acquaintance that the experience was a positive one and that, in 2023, people met us in a friendly, cheerful and accepting way even donating cash to the cause there and then.

    Of course being very much in the public eye we were often meeting passers-by but the overwhelming attitude was of almost joining in with the spirit of the occasion.  The route this time was shorter but the four and a half miles from Horam to the Cuckoo Trail car park at Hellingly seemed just right for those who participated. And if it wasn't far enough, then they  walked back as indeed several did. The remainder dressing and returning to the start by bus. Altogether we raised in excess of £400 for Breast Cancer Now.

     I know that June represents the start of the all too short summer season when naturist events crowd alarmingly together but would love
     to see more walkers (and I know of plenty from all my walk leaderships) including particularly more representatives of our female
    membership,  in 2025.

     Keith Palmer

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