In the last Laser newsletter I described London as being a naturist desert. Many thanks to Malcolm, Mark and Andy who have written to correct me on this!
First of all the Noah's Ark swim is inside the M25 in Ewell, Surrey. That mistake was ignorance on my part! I thought it was just outside. However, it's a great swim to visit with first class facilities. The swim is every Sunday between 4 and 6pm. If it's your first visit you must call them on 07940 881 100 in advance. There's a pool a sauna and often activities out of the pool.
Every Friday between 8.45pm and 10pm (except bank Holidays) the Watford Naturist Swimming Club hold their swim at the Watford Leisure Centre. It's a family friendly event with sauna and steam room. The pool is 25 metres with a dedicated swimming lane. Once again this swim is inside the M25 but this time in North London! Email info@wnsc.org.uk for more details.