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  • Naked Christmas Dining

    The BN LASER region took place at the Mill Arms, Dunbridge. The Mill Arms is a cosy pub in a little village in the Hampshire countryside. About forty BN members attended for a three course meal. The staff at the Mill Arms were cheerful and welcoming. BN chairman Colin Taylor announced at the beginning that a Sun reporter had changed her mind about about attending …. and she had promised to follow the BN dress code!


    It was a pleasant meal with lots of good conversation. For some of us the heating could have been turned up a little and a visit to the toilets was an ‘Arctic’experience!! 


    The skittle alley was enjoyed by a few of us but the novelty wears off when you are used to playing ten pin bowling and the machine picks up the pins for you. Father Christmas also attended but seemed oddly cold and unmoving! 


    For us it was a second naturist Christmas party in a week having attended the Prested Hall party. Just one more at Springwood club for New Year’s Eve!


    Anyway, thanks to the organisers for a fun afternoon and thanks also to social media star Simon Berryman for the photography. A full set of photos can be found on the BN Official Gallery and future events can be found on the BN regional events page._IGP1413GroupShot.thumb.jpg.fe2ba7f8a57bbc2c6dfff46bbcede017.jpg

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