This Saturday June 8th will be the latest World Naked Bike Ride. It's not a BN event or even naked necessarily but good fun all the same and the after event looks like a lot of fun. This WNBR is now 20 years old.
The AfterShow
We encourage you to do the ride and continue the fun, friendly atmosphere at the AfterShow. Non-riders are welcome too. The AfterShow is open to all fans of WNBR, Naked Cabaret, Phantom Peak and everyone else (over 18). Doors open at 18:00. The bar and food will be available. Warm up with some Life Drawing fun at 19:00, then the main show is at 20:00. (No admittance after 21:00.)
The main show features Naked Cabaret‘s MCs Alexis and comedian Fella along with Lady Gloria, soulful burlesque singer Laura Loops, JJ – the Mad Chattaa, hula-hooper extraordinaire and Keri Gold the award-winning acro-balancer, as seen on Britain’s Got Talent. Expect nudity! After the show, we’ll keep the music playing, so get up and dance.