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  • The London and South East Region Annual General Meeting was held on Sat 14th May via Zoom.

    This was the first meeting since 2019 as previous face-to-face meetings had been cancelled due to COVID. The online option for this year proved to be very popular with over 50 people registering.

    All AGMs are a bit formal as there is a vote to elect a new Committee. Viv Rimmer was elected as Chair and her position as Regional Representative to the Executive Committee was ratified. Nigel Newman was elected as Secretary and Colin Ratcliff was elected as Treasurer. An introduction was given to David Bellis as Beach Officer and steps are in hand to appoint a Newsletter editor.

    Invites were emailed to all the clubs in the region to attend. Two written reports were received, which were read out by the Secretary; one from Mill Bank Sun Club and the other from the Christian Naturist Fellowship.

    Following formal business, we stayed on online for a cordial chat and discussed options on how to move forward.

    The next meeting has been arranged for Sat 3rd Sept at 3pm which, on this occasion, will also be Zoom – see the LASER Calendar to register. This will be an interesting meeting with a catch up on what’s been happening and an invite to a presentation on how to arrange your own Naturist Event so that we can enjoy even more sessions in the our region.

    Nigel. LASER Secretary

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