I've been in touch with the Village Pottery near Twickenham today and we can have two pottery lessons for 12 people at a time. It would be on a Sunday afternoon sometime between May 20th and June 20th. The idea is that there will be a 40 minute gap between sessions so the first group can socialise with the second one. It's a case of bring your own refreshments. Julie the owner and tutor has already had one naturist group as can be seen 27 minutes into the great film linked below. Tickets will go in sale as soon as I'm confident we can sell enough at £35 each. Could you please comment below if you're really interested.. with no obligation at this point. There is a nearby railway station (1 mile). Patti and myself will be going so that leaves 22 tickets... or just 10 if we can only get enough for one session.