We would like to thank everyone who was able to make it to the AGM today.
Around 35 people attended. Several Clubs gave reports and had question and answer sessions.
Several committee Officers have been revoted in. As a result the committee remains the same with;
Richard Stacey as acting Regional Coordinator.and Vice Chairman
Nigel Bromley as Acting Chairman and Treasurer
Cath Bromley as Secretary.
Ian Beeby as Sports / Events Officer
Andrew Roch as Walks Coordinator
Andy Gilmour as Public Relations Officer( (PRO).
It was good to see Robert and Pauline Finney. As you may know Robert has temporarily stepped down as Chairman to help Pauline in her recovery from her injury. They were both in good spirits today.
We would like to say a big thankyou to Blackthorns Sun Club and to all their volunteers who gave up their own time to help us today. They provided us with car parking stewards. A lovely Buffet lunch and plenty of the tea beverage.