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  • A Murder Mystery Report from Oxfordshire

    Last Saturday evening a curious event happened in the hone county of Oxfordshire;

    May I present to you photographic evidence that shows;


    What do naturists do in the winter when the beaches are cold and wet? In Abingdon last week they solved a murder. To be precise they worked out that Jasper was a killer, in Annie's restaurant at the Boat House and that Clark was crushed by a sofa at Nudefest. Not exactly classic Cluedo clues but that was the correct answer. Fifty naked dinners  from Dine Naked Oxford and British Naturism turned sleuth and had a fantastic Moroccan themed meal at Annie's at theBoathouse on the banks of the Thames. They were entertained by the Oxford Imps, a hugely funny improvisation group, who played the suspects and the victim. There was no script and the actors improvised based on suggestions from the diners. 

    During the meal the cast set the scene and gave us clues (and a few red herrings) whilst one of the actors played dramatic piano music.They also went from table to table to be questioned by the audience. Though the action had a great comedic element, our Sherlock Holmes wannabees still grilled suspects such as bean magnate (and obsessive) Wilfred Copperbottom, Davis the butler with a chip on his shoulder and Jacqueline, the very French artist.

    What did the actors make of their unusual audience? They thought they were great and look forward to performing for a naturist audience again. At another performance for naturists at a major London theatre two years ago several of that cast declared it the best audience they had ever had.

    By Andy Wyman and Sandra.

    If you would like to attend another event in Oxfordshire; 

    Mupp (aka Mike) and Sandra are hosting The Call My Buff Quiz in March;


    Lots to look forward to in Oxfordshire!

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