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    This bloomin' weather - Naked Heart Walk postponed

    Organiser Keith send us this message. All those that have booked tickets have been informed.

    The Naked Heart Walk at Fonthill Estate, due to take place tomorrow, is POSTPONED.

    I am so sorry that it has been necessary to postpone this event as I, and I’m sure all of you as well, have been really looking forward to it but if you read on I will explain why we have made this disappointing decision.

    I visited the venue this morning and noted the following factors:

    • The farm tracks leading from the main A303 road to the start point for the walk had many puddles which made the surface slippery.
    • The site for the temporary car park was heavily overgrown and was becoming very soft.  Vehicles could easily become stuck with little chance of being pulled free very quickly.
    • The rain was torrential making the ground even softer.
    • The strong wind made the conditions quite chilly and I was fully dressed for wet weather.
    • The forecast for tomorrow is for even stronger winds with the potential for damage to occur to the trees along the route creating a health and safety risk to participants.

    I hope you agree that we have little choice but to postpone the event, albeit for now at least, until a future date is arranged.  I will be in touch with the landowner, Lord Margadale, today to discuss the difficulties I have outlined and to discuss when an alternative date can be arranged.

    I will be in touch with you all in the very near future.

    With my renewed apologies,



    Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

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