As the long nights start to draw to a close, the Summer 2024 season is just on the horizon. Even though it doesn’t always feel like it, the days are getting a little warmer, and we can see a light at the end of the wintry tunnel. With that comes continued planning for YBN. 2024 is shaping up to be a busy year, building on the great successes and increased engagement of 2023.
Over the last few months, we have finalised dates for five YBN exclusive club visits, including a ‘BBQ and Boardgames’ weekend at Harrogate Sun Club, and Sports Days at The Naturist Foundation and Yorkshire Sun Club. There is more to come too! Moving forward, YBN is hoping to have a greater presence at national events, such as the Windermere Woodlands Weekend, alongside calendar staples such as the NKD Festival in May and Everybody Festival in August. I always feel it is important that YBN is seen as an integral part of the British Naturism family, so that engagement with the wider community is essential. With the return of British Naturism: Sunfolk in 2024, a YBN and Families Weekend will also go ahead, which I know many people felt they missed last year with the ongoing renovation work.
We are also in the process of organising guided Naturist walks and meets at Naturist beaches - such as Morfa Dyffryn - in North Wales, to broaden regional offerings and cater for a wider variety of interests.
Our Spa Weekend in Cologne is going ahead this year, and plans are being formed for a YBN trip to a Naturist resort in France for 2025. Trips to resorts a little further from our shores have proven to be exceptionally popular, so this is an area we are very keen to develop, moving forward!
Efforts to engage new members with YBN continue, with many attending regular events even during the winter months at venues such as Clover Spa for their bi-monthly Young Clover weekends. New YBN members continue to be contacted on sign-up which continues to prove effective in ensuring that people have a starting point for their Naturist journey.
YBN, like BN as a whole, is volunteer led. If you feel like you can contribute to making YBN the success we all want it to be, please feel free to contact either myself or Deputy YBN Lead Jamie Mogford to discuss opportunities. Likewise, if you have any suggestions for events or activities, get in touch to share your suggestions!
Jon Ward
YBN Lead