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    BN229 - Autumn 2021

    The Autumn issue of our members' magazine is now out!

    It’s full of news, information, listings and fully illustrated features and articles.

    Contents include:

    All the events you can look forward to

    #stopbodyshaming – ‘Love us as we are!” say French Naturist Federation

    A successful summer of skinny dips, walks and other events

    Nudefest is back, and what a festival it was!

    Inaugural Naked Heart Walk raises over £25,000 for British Heart Foundation

    Women in Naturism – stories about embracing our bodies and convincing our husbands

    Getting Naked is a Liberating Experience - journalist Laura Bill visits British Naturism Sunfolk

    Happy 90th Anniversary to the American Association for Nude Recreation!

    Mental Health During Lockdown – how we all benefitted from being part of the Naturist community

    Georgia – our new customer service assistant

    In travel, we bring you tales from three UK Naturist gems

    BN229 will soon be landing on the doormats of members of British Naturism who can also access a downloadable digital copy now. There's even a topic open for you to discuss it with other members. (Log in required for both)

    Our quarterly magazine is just one of the many benefits a BN membership provides, so if you’re not a member yet, why not make today the day you join us?

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