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    BN 206 - Winter 2015

    The winter issue of BN Magazine is now out! It’s free to members. As always, it's a great read and is full of news and views from the world of Naturism. In this issue:

    • The Great British Skinny Dip
    • Event reports, including Nudefest and 'Bare All for Polar Bears'.
    • Big Days Out in 2016 as it stands at present
    • A new photographic project about Naturism by fashion photographer Amelia Allen
    • Campaigning update
    • Travel, including France, the Czech Republic, Thailand, Austria and a unique event in the Middle East!
    • And much more…

    BN Magazine is available to members only and issued four times a year as part of the annual subscription. Members can also download a full PDF of the magazine https://www.bn.org.uk/community/files/file/720-bn206-winter-2015/.


    If you are not a member, you can join us https://www.bn.org.uk/membership and get your own copy and other benefits aside.

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