It’s always wonderful to see new venues offering costume-free swimming and even better when they host them themselves, instead of British Naturism or any other group having to pay to hire them.
And the number is growing as hosts are seeing the not only the value of the ‘buff pound’ but also acknowledging that the appetite for swimming nude is growing.
There are plenty of such events in the planning and we’ll bring you news of them as soon as we can. If they are well supported, especially by the Naturist community, there is a good chance they will become regular events - and maybe even more venues will take note. If you know of venues hosting nude swims, please let us know!
Here's two newly announced lake swimming events. Please note that neither of the swims are British Naturism events. By bringing them to your attention we are not endorsing them just raising awareness of them. Swimmers must take their own precautions and swim at their own risk.
April 12 - Teddy Bares Picnic, Gloucester
Monthly swim: June - September, Active Waters Wild Swimming, Huntingdon
Don’t forget that our fabulous new calendar allows you to home in on different types of events including finding events in your area. Just add your postcode and a mileage radius!
- Major British Naturism events -
- Special Events -
- The Great British Skinny Dip -
- Naked Heart Walks -
- Swims -
- Sports -
- Fitness -
- Walks -
- Holidays -