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    Just the kind of article we want to read ... thanks Cosmo!

    Decades of social conditioning have left most people - even today - growing up in atmospheres of secrecy about simple human nudity and when combined with the welter of perfection and the ways to attain it that we are bombarded with every day, it causes huge mental health issues relating to poor body image and low self-worth. The truth is that being naked is good for every body (pun intended) and those of us that know that are living better lives as a result.

    We find it easy to gain a high-profile in the media given our subject matter but it makes a huge difference when the message about this wonderful way of being and the super community that one becomes part of is broadcast by others, especially in mass-market publications with articles about social nudity featuring alongside those on any other everyday subjects.

    Read this terrific article, published by Cosmopolitan

    BN contacted the writer, Abby Moss, who told us, 'Naturism has become a really enjoyable part of my life and I was so glad to discover it and introduce others.' She also sent us her picture.

    See you at an event, Abby!





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