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    What people are saying about BN

    We're making great progress for Naturism and providing a wide range of services to Naturists - we're definitely enjoying goodtimes ... as are our members - here's what they have to say!

    Become a member - or renew your membership - click here

    The friendliness of everyone I've spoken to has been a major plus. I've made lifelong friends all around the country

    The BN Magazine is very impressive

    People are helpful if you need information

    How quick my membership came was great, and I can use my membership card at a Naturist camp site as proof of ID. Brilliant!

    I have really enjoyed the Zoom dances and Naked Fitness classes. I am very pleased, keep up the good work ... I'm enjoying the membership!

    The general warmth and enthusiasm of members is wonderful. Also as someone who is new to Naturism and quite self conscious it is very nice to just be online occasionally with people who ‘get it’.

    Everyone is so friendly and helpful.  It's been brilliant. So glad I joined, after many years of worrying about "coming out" as a Naturist.

    I am impressed by the commitment to advocacy and awareness of Naturism in Britain and beyond.

    Even if I only get to one or two in person events a year, I intend to stay a member because I can see the huge value in the great work the Exec and many members/volunteers are doing to promote Naturism and ensure there is positive change - even around just making sure that we don't lose spaces and slots for naked swims.

    It is so friendly, people from all different backgrounds together with a shared interest.

    The community are very welcoming and open to conversation.

    I have been so wonderfully surprised just what a friendly organisation it is ! The forums have provided an excellent platform, where I have been able to reach out and meet so many like-minded people, make new friends, and, importantly, be able to keep up with news and find information so easily!

    I’m grateful for the time and effort that all the volunteers that run BN put in. Thanks to all!

    Easy to join and already booked Sunfolk at a significant discount.

    BN has helped me to appreciate the range of Naturist places available in the UK, and how much more it is practised here than I had thought.

    Really pleased you’re active in promoting and encouraging women to explore and feel ownership in a Naturist lifestyle. Great for equality and an understanding of naturism

    Online events have been excellent including the Forum Live and I have done a couple of yoga sessions which I have really enjoyed. Also I have had my first trips to a Naturist campsite this summer because I joined BN - Sunfolk and also The Naturist Foundation. Both fabulous experiences.

    I knew of the existence of BN and eventually decided to join to satisfy my curiosity about the organisation. Personally I’m very glad I did and don’t in any way regret paying my membership. I had no idea of how much support there is from the legal department, or of its existence. What a wonderful use of membership fees to support sticking up for us and supporting something that many non-Naturists think is illegal!

    I appreciate the opportunity to comment if I want to on the BN surveys

    The genuine friendliness of so many people I've chatted with.  I am totally comfortable being a member of BN. The annual subscription is worth every penny.

    BN has exceeded expectations—information about events and meetings new members and making friends is brilliant

    A more professional and efficient approach than I imagined it to be.

    Great magazine packed with great info

    I received a discount on entry to a Naturist resort in Spain because I was a BN member

    Quality of live national events, fantastic. Response time from BN Head Office - very efficient

    Sunfolk! Absolute gem of a place, so welcoming to me and the newbie friends I brought along

    I am very satisfied being a member of BN and feel that I can learn a lot on how to promote Naturism in my own country, Denmark, and how to fulfil expectations from Danish members

    BN is a friendly place to be and everyone gives great advice

    The speed and efficiency of the joining process was great, and the website

    Very good website, easy to navigate.

    Excellent quarterly magazine

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