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    The Journey to our NKD wedding 

    ‘If someone had told me I would be writing this article a couple years ago I would have thought they were pulling my leg. My partner Laura and I have never been traditional and like to think we are open minded, however organising a naked wedding for ourselves is a wholly unexpected experience,’ says Steven Sandilands. 

    We have been trying to find the perfect time to get married for a decade now. Between health issues, lockdowns and all of life's other distractions it never seemed the right time. Neither of us have ever wanted a traditional wedding, and it took us a long time to find the environment that we would actually feel comfortable in. This started to change when we first discovered Naturism. I read
an article in The Guardian about Brighton beach and people using it without clothes on. I mentioned it in casual conversation and before either of us knew it we were planning a trip to our local nude beach - Ardeer, on the west coast of Scotland. That first visit was an amazing experience; the feel of the wind and sun on our skin stands out, and the people there were friendly and happy to converse. The word I would use to sum up the experience would be ‘fresh’. 

    Having experienced it, we couldn’t wait to introduce our kids to the environment and explore all that family Naturism had to offer. Going nude around the house didn’t even warrant a comment from them, so we pushed the boat out and went to our first family Naturist swim. At an amazing family-friendly venue in Glasgow our kids and another four played together on floats in the pool having a great time, and with saunas and the like for the parents to take turns in, it was a great day for all, a truly safe environment. 

    From there we only increased our involvement in family Naturism. Laura and I were regulars at the weekly BN family chat throughout the lockdowns—an amazing group of people and if you’ve not tried it, you should definitely go along. We even took a family Naturist minibreak on the island on Loch Lomond. Swimming in Loch Lomond with my family in brilliant sunshine surrounded by a gorgeous view was one of the highlights of the year, completely unforgettable. 

    Once lockdowns had ended and we could enjoy bigger Naturist events and travel a bit further, we made the most of it. There is an amazing hidden gem near Dumfries called Be Natural B&B. The hosts are very friendly and provide a great escape with the kids. We’ve now been twice, for a great restful nights’ stay. 

    A true highlight of our year is BN’s take-over of a hotel and water park for which we travel to England. There are hundreds of people chatting, making friends, enjoying the slides  and generally having a lot of fun. The kids were asking to go back before we even got home. BN’s family event at Liverpool Sun and Air club was the longest we have been in a Naturist environment and another friendly and fun experience. A great group of people forming a community and looking out for each other, inviting we newcomers in for a cuppa and really helping look after the children and making sure they were entertained. We got a true sense that we were genuinely welcome and made to feel at home. 

    Having had all these amazing experiences, I wasn’t surprised to find out couples have renewed their vows or had joining ceremonies at BN events. One afternoon, half-joking, I asked Laura if she would want to get married at NKD, and to my surprise she said yes without hesitation. To my even greater surprise BN immediately agreed to accommodate the request, contacting the venue to ensure they were happy. I was shocked and delighted when the council registrars told me it wouldn’t be a problem for them either, and, just like that, we are now booked for a Naturist wedding. 

    It did mean taking the big step of inviting all our friends to the wedding, many of whom did not know about our Naturism, nor had ever set foot in such an environment themselves. Responses were varied. Some are all for it and will be there, others couldn’t travel down from Scotland and a few said that it was not for them. One thing that did not vary was the support that everyone showed for us having the wedding in an environment that mattered to us. No judgement or uncertainty, the world kept spinning and not one negative response. While Naturism may not be for everyone, it truly does no harm to anyone and most people understand that. 

    One question we do get asked is, ‘Why have a Naturist wedding?’. The answer is that our experiences of Naturism have been fresh, safe, restful, fun, welcoming and unforgettable. What better way to start the next chapter of our lives! The community makes the event and we can’t think of a more accepting, welcoming and family friendly event than a BN event. 

    This article appears in the latest edition of BN233 our Autumn magazine. As you can see from the image - plans came together and the wedding took place! 

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