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    The Forum Live - the Make a New Member Challenge!

    Membership numbers at British Naturism are rising and are at their highest number since 2014. Thanks to everyone who has joined, renewed and/or come back after an absence. Thanks also to those of you who are spreading the word about Naturism (and British Naturism) and bringing more people to this wonderful world.

    British Naturism is garnering praise all over the world from Naturists for the way we have handled the crisis, engaged with our community and provided online events and other resources to keep them busy and in touch with others. It follows that if you're a Naturist in the UK you're bound to be a paid up member...!

    ...ah, well, it doesn't actually. There are thousands of people enjoying social nudity in the UK who aren't members of this vibrant, active, supportive, meaningful community. We'd love them to come and join us and are asking you to help. There are plenty of good reasons - for all of us - why it is better for us to have more and more people in membership.

    Next Monday night's The Forum Live session will launch our new recruitment drive - The Make a New Member Challenge'. Come and find out more about it...book your place now

    Visit our online events page to discover all the online events we run...

    Edited by Andrew Welch

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