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    The Forum Live - interviewing Jon Williams

    Next Monday’s Forum Live features an opportunity to get to know Jon Williams, one of the Directors of British Naturism.  Jon has been vice-Chair of British Naturism for some two and a half years, during which time the Executive Committee has benefited from his skill in chairing its regular meetings. The wider membership will have seen him chairing the AGM too.  More recently he has masterminded the development of plans to develop British Naturism: Sunfolk and bring it up to the standard we are all hoping for as a premium Naturist venue.
    Jon is an active member of the Naturist Ramblers, and arranges regional events for BN members in London and the South East, and Naturist walking weekends in Scotland.
    Alongside all these activities Jon somehow manages to hold down a full-time job in the headquarters of a major retailer.  He also sings in one of the big BBC choirs and is currently in rehearsal for performances at this summer’s Proms.

    Edwin Kilby will be in the chair and you can join the session via the BN shop

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