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    The Forum Live Debate – Our goals and plans for 2024

    The Forum Live Debate has been the engine behind much of what British Naturism is doing.  In the second half of 2023 alone we discussed prospective campaigns, discussion that led to us launching several new campaigns for this year, many of which are already well developed.  We discussed how to talk about Naturism, a discussion that was distilled into the recent set of articles and will soon be available in the downloads.

    We kick off 2024 by thinking about personal aspirations.  What are our individual aims for 2024?  For some that might be involvement with some of the campaigns to promote Naturism.  For others it might be a new adventure on a big holiday.  or going to a new event or even that you are looking forward to or returning to.  Of course, there is also Challenge 60 to mark our 60th anniversary. Are you taking part in the challenges, and which is the one you are most excited about?

    Sharing our thoughts will hopefully allow us to inspire each other and share tips for how to get the most out of experiences.  

    See you there - join the session on the night over in the BN shop


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