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    The Forum Live - Ask the Executive

    Postponed from 19 September, the quarterly Ask the Executive session will now take place next Monday, 3 October at 7:30pm.

    It's a chance for members to meet and ask questions of British Naturism's Executive Committee. and is open to all British Naturism members and is expected to last an hour. Questions for the Directors and Executive Committee members on any relevant subject will be welcome. To help us manage the session and to provide the best possible answers we would welcome questions in advance, and we will take these first. Subject to time constraints we will take questions on the night as well. 

    Taking place the day after the BN AGM, it will also offer the chance for a continuation of any discussions curtailed owing to time pressures during the AGM and an opportunity for discussion/debrief of the main points of that meeting.

    If you have a question, please send it to headoffice@bn.org.uk

    Join the session here
    Photo by Marius Oprea on Unsplash 

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