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    The Forum Live - A Visit to British Naturism Sunfolk

    As you will have read, British Naturism’s new site opens this weekend and we’re looking forward to welcoming our first guests!
    Owning and operating a site is a brand new venture for British Naturism. We’re excited about the possibilities - for our members, for visitors and for the future of Naturism in the UK. A great deal of hard work has gone on behind the scenes to get it ready. That’s both practical work on the site itself - 1673 man hours, 249 trees and bushes pruned, 186 tonnes of earth shifted, and 23 tins of paint - but also research and discussion about our plans for the future and creating an acknowledged ‘centre of excellence’ for Naturism.
    In Monday’s session, I’ll be talking to members of the team that have made it all happen. We’ll have a live feed from the site and will be able to show you around, plus a slide show of images of the site and the work we’ve done. We'll also tell you something of those grand plans...
    Please come along and hear about this exciting, ground-breaking development. Tickets now available
    The Forum Live is an exclusive session for BN and INF members. If you'd like to join, please don't hesitate! You'll be in good company - over 800 people have made that decision in 2020...

    Edited by Andrew Welch

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