One of the main aims of the Great British Skinny Dip is to encourage new people, groups and venues to experience the euphoria of clothes-free swimming and so it's wonderful to see a new swim hosted by a group of (usually) swimsuited people in Lancashire this Friday.
Group leader Elaine says:
'I’m very excited to be holding this event with our swim group, Lancashire’s stay wild wild swim, helping to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation, working alongside British Naturism, too. I lost my mum to heart disease and this is my first opportunity to raise vital funds and awareness, as well as, hopefully, bringing awareness of Naturism too and helping people to become more comfortable in their own skin.’
We're delighted to be working with you Elaine and want to encourage as many people as possible to come along.
Our picture is from the BN Windermere weekend - taken by Mark Bass