Eighteen radio interviews in one day!
The BBC's General News Service picked up this story and decided it was worth covering. They promoted the idea to all BBC local and regional radio stations and for two solid hours we were interviewed, one by one, by a variety of presenters and shows - some recorded, some live on air. Later, a few more stations, including BBC Radio 5Live, who broadcast nationally, asked us to speak.
It was a great platform for us to promote Naturism in the UK (which contrary to the news in the article is growing) and to show non-Naturists that we are normal people who have found something that enhances our lives. It will also have reinforced to those Naturists who feel there is no need for a national naturist organisation that these kind of promotional opportunities only come about because we're here!
Members can find a topic on the BN Members' Forum about the day which lists the stations covered and includes some of the links to listen to (log in required).