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    Pride at British Naturism: Sunfolk - a privilege to host

    It was a great privilege to be able to host the second BN Pride event at the newly refurbished British Naturism: Sunfolk in September, which around thirty people attended. For some it was the first time they had tried Naturism or even been to a pride event. The new look Sunfolk went down very well with many commenting on how lovely it was and those that had visited a long time before saying that it had not lost its charm.

    The weekend coincided with Bi Visibility Weekend too.  It is  important we remember that all those in the LGBTQ community have feelings and we should recognise and respect everyone for who they are. Just because you are gay, lesbian, bi, transgender or identify differently it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter.   

    The weather on Saturday was glorious and we took full advantage playing volleyball outside, sunbathing, swimming, water volleyball, sitting in the hot tub and when it cooled off a little in the evening, and making use of the new sauna.

    On Sunday the weather wasn’t quite as kind to us and it rained heavily for most of the day. It didn’t dampen our spirits though and we continued the event with indoor board games, table tennis and discussions.

    We had a BBQ on the Saturday night, which everyone came to even if they were not there for the event but just staying over. It was a really good night with some great food. We also had a campfire on both nights and toasted marshmallows which was a new experience for some.

    Even in 2024 it ceases to amaze me that those in the LGBTQ community still feel persecuted, which is why these events are so important. One person I spoke to had not only not told their family about Naturism but hadn’t even come out. This was in fear of how they would be treated by family friends and work colleagues which I think is really sad. They did say however what a wonderful event Pride Sunfolk was and how for two days they could be themselves and not live in fear.

    Another conversation that struck me was one I had after the volleyball game. Someone said that they were never picked for a team at school as they were different. Today they were part of a team, enjoyed it and even managed to get the ball across the net. They said it had made their day. It also made mine to think how little things mean so much to some people.

    We had a really great weekend where everyone enjoyed themselves including the Sunfolk Wardens and thank you to both Colin and Mike for making the event so special. My thanks also to all those who came and to John, Ian and James for their help throughout the weekend.

    So many asked when the next one would be so I am planning to run another one in June 2025, watch this space the BN website and Sunfolk website for dates.

    For me this shows how important these events are, now they bring people together and allow them to be themselves. Naturism is also a good leveller as it doesn’t matter what your body shape, how big or small you are we are all have a body and that body is special and unique however you identify.

    …and right at the end of the event a rainbow appeared over the Pavilion!

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