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    Nudefest - Day 5

    People are moaning here. 'There's so much to do, I can't fit it all in!' they say. A nice problem to have, I say.

    Yesterday's off-site walk attracted over 100 people who eventually were able to strip off when the sun finally obliged. Word of the day towards the end of the afternoon, however, was 'sunburn'. Boy, was it hot. It might have been the prompt, who knows, but circus performers and bar staff were inspired to adopt our dress code.

    Over the last two days I have welcomed two writers from national newspapers, both of whom reported a great experience - let's hope the features they write are just as positive. Thanks to all the Nudefesters who spoke to them.

    Is it Friday already? Today, there are seven fitness classes, five sport sessions and a fishing competition, more talks and workshops,  board games and a Holi paint fight, before another evening of fantastic live music.


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