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    Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 – Company

    Through Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 we are considering how Naturism can have a positive effect our mental health.  When we are anxious, we can feel a lot better after just letting it out.  Experts say that talking can provide stress relief, and can lighten the load of our concerns, and people suffering anxiety or depression often find talking to someone so helpful that they wish they'd done it a lot sooner.

    Although Naturism can be practised alone, for most people, Naturism is a very social activity.  Shedding our clothes also causes us to be less defensive.  Most Naturists say that they find people far more friendly and open at Naturist events than other gatherings.  Sitting out in the sunshine with a drink helps us to relax so even if we don’t talk about specific problems, we do find ourselves being drawn into a supportive community.  As we move into summer, there are a lot of opportunities to be involved in social nudity in the months ahead, and many of them are listed on our calendar.  People often worry about going to an event if they don’t have somebody to go with because there is nothing more lonely than a crowd if people don’t talk to you.  Those who have taken the step and gone regardless will tell you they needn’t have worried as the community goes out of its way to welcome newcomers and ensure that people don’t feel isolated.

    Therefore, if you are looking for a chance to make friends and spend time with others in a supportive environment, try a Naturist event.  You will be surprised how welcoming it is and how good it makes you feel.

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