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    Naturism is normal

    We're ordinary people choosing not to wear clothes when the weather and circumstances are appropriate. Other than being nude, our activities are no different from what most people do in their leisure time. We're not anti-clothes, we just know they are not always essential. It's also a lot of fun!

    If we were supposed to be naked, we'd have been born that way.

    .and yet now anyone wanting to be in that natural state is treated with at best, mild amusement and at worst, suspicion. Being naked isn't obscene, provocative, ridiculous, eccentric, shameful, immodest, weird, rude, disgusting, perverted etc.

    Naturism is not illegal

    There is no offence of nudity in English law but there are badly defined offences which may be used and abused for just about anything that somebody in authority dislikes. The Sexual Offences Act 2003 specifically excludes Naturism, though intending to upset or cause harm by being naked may well be a criminal offence. Fundamentally the law is a mess but the practice of Naturism is legal in a much wider range of circumstances than many people assume.

    Naturism is good for you

    Naturism promotes positive body image as there is no such thing as the perfect body and we're all unique. Physical health is improved with the benefits of sunshine and fresh air, which we don't get enough of; and mental health benefits from relaxation, de-stressing and a friendly, comfortable community spirit. Most sunbathers wear very little more than we do.

    Swimsuits are pointless - why get dressed to get wet? It has wider benefits too - teenage pregnancy rates are lower in countries with a more relaxed attitude to nudity.

    Naturism is not about sex

    Naturists are not asexual, but despite what people think, a gathering of naked people doesn't make for a sexually charged environment.

    Naturism is not embarrassing

    Once in a Naturist place, you soon get used to being surrounded by naked people and forget that nobody is wearing clothes. It's clothed people that stand out. What you look like is irrelevant. No-one stares at you, or judges your appearance - it's all about feeling good for yourself. It's liberating not to have to conform. No-one is forced to undress and people will put something on if the weather turns.

    Naturism is very popular

    Millions of people around the world have discovered this wonderful way of life. BN's IPSOS-MORI survey of 2011 discovered that there are 3.7 million Naturists in the UK. There are thousands of holiday resorts and other places to go to. Plenty of 'non-Naturist' people in the UK have skinny-dipped, go topless on beaches and spend time happily naked at home.

    Naturist children are happy, well-adjusted and safe Children don't care if they are wearing clothes or not, it's adults who make them get dressed. They grow up with a better understanding of what people really look like and enjoy a relaxed, outdoor life. Families can do something together that they all enjoy. Naturist places tend to have entry requirements and secure gates, making the inside a far safer environment than the outside.

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