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    It's #WorkNakedWednesday!

    Don't the weeks fly by? It doesn't feel like a whole seven days since we decided to throw off our clothes and work naked. Perhaps that's because many of us - and not just Naturists - are spending a lot of our lockdown time undressed, especially if we are working from the comfort of our own home and taking advantage of this unseasonable April weather. And why not? Doesn't it make you feel great? 

    There is no law in the country that tells anyone what they can and can't wear in any circumstances. British Naturism has been in the forefront of clarifying this simple fact with the police and other authorities, in the face of decades of social conditioning and Victorian values that have made people assume that public or social nakedness is wrong. In fact, it's the opposite, as there are many health and well-being benefits to spending time not being wrapped up in clothes. It's also liberating, improves body-image and is a lot of fun!

    Let's tackle one big barrier to working naked: colleagues! British Naturism run a variety of events (well, under normal circumstances, we do) in venues like hotels and waterparks where the staff on duty remain clothed. Many of them say to us how they admire us and would like to join in but they wouldn't want to in front of their work-mates. We can get the same reaction from Naturist newbies who are nervous that they might meet someone at a Naturist gathering who they know. But one naked body is very like another when everyone is undressed and - as amazing as it sounds - you soon forget you are naked among other naked people. At our events, we're seeing a huge increase in friends booking together and people bringing members of their family. So, if you are in the workplace and want to embrace #WorkNakedWednesday, then go ahead and see who will join you.

    Like so many things in society, what's deemed 'unusual' quickly becomes normal when it's seen, heard, and talked about. Taboos and stigma fade away when something becomes 'acceptable'. Let's make that happen to being nude...it's good for Every Body.

    If you are having a great time with #WorkNakedWednesday and want to record it, do send in your photos...




    Edited by Andrew Welch

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