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    I'm a Naturist! Tell 'Just One Person'

    The more that people know about Naturism, the better things will be for Naturists and Naturist places. Many people don’t know that they know a Naturist and assume that we are still that fringe minority on the edges of society. We understand the individual fears, possible complications and desire for an easy life, but we want to encourage you to help Naturism in the UK to become normal. While it remains hidden and misguided, incorrect ideas about Naturism will continue.

    It’s daunting, but our campaign encourages you not to stress. We've been asking you to tell Just One Person and that experience may give you the courage to tell a lot more. People have found it easy to pick someone who would not be judgemental. A good place to start is to talk in a low-key way about a skinny dip on holiday or Naturist beach you ‘found’. Many people get a positive or sympathetic reaction. Feedback says that you will feel better having told someone – it may actually be a relief!

    As Naturists we are in danger of killing this natural life choice by fear. We need to talk about it for it to survive and be prepared to acknowledge the pursuit that enriches our lives. Don’t know what to say? Download the ‘How to talk about Naturism’ factsheet from the BN website.

    Here are some more experiences from our members as posted on the BN forum... Read more here

    Currently enjoying holiday at CHM Montalivet. Just had a text conversation with some friends back home asking: “Which resort are you at exactly?” So I sent them the link to the CHM website. Can add them to the list of friends who know!

    Well, quite a week! Talking to a friend a few days ago, the topic of Naturism cropped up. She was not really surprised when I told her that I was a Naturist, and was quite interested, and open to the idea of trying it! This evening, we arranged to go for a wild swim, and I told her that I didn't own a cossie. This didn't put her off, and indeed, it wasn't long before her own cossie was hanging on a riverside branch! We had a lovely evening and a return visit is on the cards soon.

    I was walking the dog in our local park yesterday evening when I met a lady who is also one of the regulars in the park. We always talk and I was asking about her day, and she asked about mine. I told her that I had been to the beach and it was a Naturist one and had a lovely time. ‘Oh,’ she said, ‘you look like a Naturist!’ (Do we look different?) She went on to say how much she missed swimming in the sea. Just then her daughter, who I have never met before, arrived with her dog. ‘This is Paul.”, her mother said. ‘He's a Naturist you know.’ It will not be long until all the dog walkers know!

    I told two people separately at a Friends (Quaker) meeting house I sometimes go to. Both just accepted it without question or surprise within the context of our discussion, other than a brief bit about the resources saved in washing clothes. Of course, Friends have some history with nudity, mainly as a form of protest or activism in the early days.

    I was at a craft fair today selling my wood-turning items including pens which were on display and three people picked up my ‘Get Naked’ inscribed pen. I told them I had made that one as I am a Naturist - no bad reactions from any of them.

    I retired a year ago and yesterday met up with my old boss for the first time since. Inevitably the question of what I have been up to in retirement came up. So I explained that I was a Naturist and have taken up the volunteer role of Assistant Warden at Sunfolk and consequently spend a regular amount of time doing that. She wasn’t fazed at all and was interested in what attracted me to it and we had a good discussion about demographics and why women may be less represented in social nudity.

    I was talking to a colleague before our shift and she asked me if I'd been away. I told her I'd been to Euronat, a big Naturist resort on the Atlantic coast in France. Her response was ’Wow, I'd love to go on a Naturist holiday. Hang on a sec, you do mean nudity, not a nature holiday doing bird watching?’ I assured her that this was exactly what I meant and she told me that she and her mum had often joked about a nudist holiday as nudity was so common in their house. Hopefully I've sown the seed ...

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