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    Have you seen what we're up to?

    At British Naturism, despite the unusual circumstances, we're having a great time and we want everyone to come and be part of it!

    Online events

    We've launched a programme of online events with something that you can be involved in every day from the comfort of your own home - or wherever you may be! They include yoga, fitness, aerobics, a cooking workshop, meditation, discussions, guest interviews and brilliant gatherings like the weekly coffee morning and Naked pub where you can meet and chat with other Naturists. We've hosted special events such as afternoon tea, life drawing and a drum festival, with plenty more to come. They will also continue when the lockdown ends - look out for an announcement next week!

    Membership increases

    The popularity of the online events has also led to the number of new members joining doubling since the beginning of lockdown. There's also been an increase in the number of people renewing AND a number of ex-members returning. Spotting the great opportunities we are providing to the Naturist community, many of those new members are people from overseas.

    The Great British Take Off

    We launched a new event in May - The Great British Take Off - aimed at encouraging people to experience the wonderful feeling of being naked. It was a busy day and great success with loads of media coverage bringing social nudity to the masses in a very positive way. We also raised over £3000 for our Charity of the Year, British Heart Foundation.

    Hitting the Headlines

    Hot on the heels of many articles and interviews (including prime time TV) in connection with our submission to the Hate Crime commission, Naturism and Naturists have benefited TWICE since and have had the press beating a path to our door - and finding us very willing to tell the world. Firstly, the news that our membership was rising during the pandemic and then the Great British Take Off. We were on prime time TV (again) and reported in many national newspapers - including the banner headline one day in the Daily Star. We've lost count of the radio interviews we've done and the number of countries we reached. Find all the links on our members' forum (log in required)

    Acquiring our own site

    In March, the land belonging to The Sun-Folk Society just north of London became the property of British Naturism and we have big plans which will benefit members and Naturism in the UK.


    Our ongoing campaigns including Women in Naturism, the Great British Skinny Dip and Just One Person are all helping to spread the word and helping Naturists to feel more comfortable about telling other people and inviting them to try.

    Keeping busy with BN

    We been working hard to provide resources, entertainment, information and activity:

    Read over one hundred articles on our news pages about a wide variety of Naturist and Naturist-related subjects, added to almost every day. There are also Inspiring, first-person stories from Women in Naturism
    Follow us on social media - we're active on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
    The members' side of our website is chock-full of interesting stuff. Naturists are currently discussing and debating a variety of topics - not all related to Naturism - and finding information, viewing images from events and elsewhere, reading blogs and more.  It also contains a variety of interesting and useful downloads including full copies of BN Magazine back to 2004! It all comes free as part of a British Naturism annual subscription

    Not using the members' are of this website? Here's a guide on how to log in and use the member's section of the website and a new Quickstart Guide to help you find your way around...

    Summer magazine

    BN224 is at the printers and will be sent to members soon. There are a large number of terrific features - covering the Solstice, discovering Naturism and BN, taking family to events and on holiday, Naturism as the solution to body-confidence, the legality of sunbathing in the garden, naked walking, plus news and listings of all that is going on.

    Naturism Guide

    If you haven’t already, download our new 2020 Guide which contains masses of information…


    If you are a member of British Naturism, then thank you. We hope you are getting a lot out of your membership. 

    If you're not a member, then there's never been a better time to join. It costs less than £4 a month.


    Photo by Nicolas Tissot https://unsplash.com/@nft


    Edited by Andrew Welch

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