The core values of British Naturism are respect for ourselves and respect for each other, so this is what we would like to see recognised in the hate crime consultation. The Naturist philosophy has been recognised as a protected characteristic in cases where people have been dismissed from their jobs based on prejudice. What we would like is to see naturism recognised as a protected characteristic with regards to hate crime, so that we are not be abused in our day to day lives. These days we all agree that shouting abuse at somebody because of the colour of their skin, their sexual preference or their religion is not acceptable. Yet Naturists still receive that type of abuse based on our dress code. We are not asking that people should be forced to be naked, far from it. What we are asking is that everybody should have the freedom to choose how they dress, including if that choice is to wear nothing at all.
Naturists are very considerate and respectful and do their best to avoid imposing nudity on others where we know it might make them feel awkward. We might sunbathe in our own gardens or go walking in the great empty spaces of the countryside. Despite attempting to avoid confrontation, it is not uncommon for a naturist to receive abuse from a neighbour or when out walking. You would be upset if somebody shouted abuse or threatened you because they did not like the colour of your shirt, we would prefer to not receive such abuse for not wearing a shirt. So what we would like to achieve through the hate crime consultation is the same respect that everyone else receives. No more, no less.
This quote from an article on BN website from (now) BN President Mark Bass was seen by the Daily Mail who interviewed him and wrote an article about it.
The story has since been picked up by many other media outlets. Mark was interviewed this morning by Nick Robinson on BBC Radio 4's Today programme. We're big news! Look out for more as the week progresses...