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    Good Times for BN at the NEC

    It was a very busy week for British Naturism at the NEC, Birmingham where we seized the opportunity to speak to the 100,000 visitors to the Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show 2024.  Our team of seven volunteer ambassadors engaged approximately 1440 guests in meaningful conversation, over the six days, distributed around 2400 Guides to Naturism, and 500 'Challenge 60' Log Books. 

    Our attendance delivers a number of objectives. The first is a chance to see and chat to British Naturism members - this year we met over 200 and also reconnected with many former members who we hope to see re-join, thus raising the profile and influence of British Naturism still further.  We also spoke to around 150 club members, who are not individual members of British Naturism, and leaders of some of our highest profile clubs.  In a year when work is underway to strengthen the links between British Naturism, individual members and clubs, this was a great opportunity to speak to people face-to-face.  Of course, the third aim is to reach non-Naturists and either inspire them to try it for themselves or at least make them aware and comfortable that Naturists exist, both were successful.

    The topics of conversation were encouraging.  The EveryBody campaign was a hot subject, especially amongst those potentially interested in trying large-scale nude recreation for the first time.  The neon EveryBody sign that we had in position was certainly eye-catching and provoked questions.  We have also seen evolution in the way people communicate over the recent years with people more open about alternative lifestyles, meaning that opportunities to discuss things such as Naturism are increasing.  Curiously, while the number of very open people have increased, so have the number of people who are curious but timid.  Historically, it has tended to be the people we spoke to who took our literature away, this year it was more the case of either/or, so many attendees took a guide to contemplate in their own time, rather than discuss in the moment.  Both engagements mean the word is getting out.  In addition to those we shared information with directly, it was clear that many people at nearby stalls were talking about us and the presence of British Naturism, even though they were too nervous to engage.  This also is a success as it increases awareness and sets those many people on a path of possible discovery in the future.  The diversification in mindsets that we saw this week reflects that there are different ways to approach the promotion of Naturism.  It is certainly not the case that one size fits all and there are many opportunities ahead as we seek to spread the word.

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