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    Certificates of Merit

    At British Naturism's 2020 Annual General Meeting, held (virtually) in October) the following Certificates of Merit were awarded. The process will alter for 2021 with members able to nominate recipients (log in required).


    Dr Victoria Bateman - for her work in promoting equality and respect for women and promoting body confidence. She was a guest on The Forum Live in June - members can download a full transcript of the interview.


    The British Naturism Northern Ireland team - who have made naturism more available within the Province. They have increased social interaction via Zoom and worked with political influencers. Northern Ireland is now a properly active area within the SANER Region.


    Will Bryson - for his work in promoting world the World Naked Bike Ride in Bristol and for his concept of naked dining in public restaurants and pubs in the Bristol area with non-naturists attending. The concept has extended beyond Bristol to many other areas of the country.


    Congratulations to all!



    Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash



    Edited by Andrew Welch

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