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    Certificates of Merit 2024

    Do you know somebody whose contribution to the cause of Naturism has been exceptional and whom you think BN should recognise by the award of a Certificate of Merit?

    The Executive Committee welcomes nomination for certificates of merit from members. Certificates are usually awarded at the AGM, and in order to allow the EC to give proper consideration to nominations we're asking for these no later than 15 July.  

    Nominees don't have to be members - indeed certificates have in the past been awarded to people outside BN whose contribution has been considered exceptional.  And the nominee could be a single person or a group, such as a club, couple, team or company.

    Click here for the nomination form (log in required) - do read the guidance notes carefully.  Please note that all nominations are confidential and should not be published on the forum or elsewhere.


    Image: Mark Bass

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