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    Bare With Me - the East End Film Festival

    We were approached at the end of 2017 by filmmakers Natasha Coleman and Stephen Noble, looking for subjects to feature in a short film they were making. The film discusses how people find and feel about social nudity and aims to explore how confidence in our own bodies and respect for others prevents the objectification, and in extreme cases harassment, that plagues society. The result is ‘Bare with Me’ and it has been accepted into the East Film Festival and airs on April 26th.

    The category is ‘Defying Gravity’ which features eight films. The struggle is real. Whether they are fighting against capitalism, social injustice and prejudice, or challenging social assumptions, the protagonists of these films are real survivors facing forces sometimes stronger than gravity. Keep your head up, will ya?

    BN member and participant in the film, Mark says:

    ‘Making this film was really uplifting and great fun for all of us. Body acceptance is a serious subject that we all really cared about so we developed the project together and really invested ourselves. It was striking to see the film crew realising how their own fears were limiting themselves and that maybe there was a better way. We are really pleased to have the film selected to be featured in a film festival by a group with no vested interest in social nudity. It shows the increasingly broad recognition of the value of body confidence. Explaining why we participate in naturism and the huge potential for psychological and societal benefit will hopefully result in naturism having a positive impact on a much wider audience.’


    Bare With Me

    UK | Natasha Coleman & Stephen Noble | 7 min

    What’s happened to nakedness? For those that seek out social nudity in their day to day lives, nakedness breaks down barriers, gives back choice and builds a trusting community where naked is normal.

    Find out more and buy tickets 

    @EastEndFilmFest @natashajcoleman @stephenforshort


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