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    Appointment of Chair - Colin Taylor

    We are delighted to announce the co-option of Colin Taylor as the new Chair of British Naturism.

    Colin’s recent retirement has freed up the time to commit to issues that he is passionate about and central to those is Naturism, which Colin says he has benefitted from greatly. Colin’s professional background was in the ambulance service as a Paramedic and latterly holding various posts within Quality and Safety, including Head of Risk Management. He was a school governor of a local primary school for 19 years and Chair of the Trustees.  He is also Chair of a Board of Trustees of a small charity and is involved in a number of other organisations in various roles.  These credentials are second to none and plug into the positive impact of Naturism on health, the work we have before us to support young people, particularly in the area of mental wellbeing, and are backed up by his experience in governance.

    Colin will be well known to many of you as he has for some time been a very active volunteer for British Naturism.  He has been a regular Warden at British Naturism: Sunfolk, First Aider and Deputy Regional Organiser for LASER.  He is a member of the BN GBSD/NHW/BHF team and has organised a number of swims and other events. One of Colin’s key stipulations in taking up the role is that he plans to continue to actively support the LASER region until a successor can be found and this approach is a brilliant way to bridge between national and regional initiatives.

    So please join me in welcoming Colin to the position!

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