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    Announcing...new online events for September!

    Our programme of online events continues to attract great audiences and praise! Naturists from the UK and beyond are loving the opportunity to keep fit and healthy and meet others in online sessions where - unlike so many of the Zoom meetings we're all attending - can be done without clothes!

    We're bringing  in some NEW sessions this month, and owing to some much-needed holidays for instructors,  a couple of temporary changes too.

    New sessions

    Earth Meditation on Sunday mornings from the 6th September - a relaxing session from Katherine

    Beginner Fitness on Wednesday afternoons from 9th September- British Naturism's fitness guru Roy introduces a class for beginners.

    Power Yoga on Saturday mornings from the 12th September - a new high energy Naked Yoga session from Georgia

    GroovX Stix on Tuesday evenings from 15th September -  the ultimate way to hit and smash your way to a better you - use drumsticks to bash out rhythms and beats with explosive dance moves. Join Jooles and work up a sweat in this brand new GroovX Stix session.

    Temporary changes

    Sheryn's back! Owing to holidays, Sheryn will run her popular aerobics sessions in place of Georgia's Chair Yoga on the 7th September and Jooles' aerobics on the 9th September. 

    Monthly sessions

    Don't forget our usual first-weekend-of-the-month Life Drawing class this coming Saturday and our Women Uncovered chat session on Sunday.

    What to find out more and book your place? Follow these links:

    All community sessions are included as part of your British Naturism membership - we also welcome guests from the INF too.

    Lifestyle Sessions are open to all with a 40% discount for BN and INF members. They also come with free cancellation and transfer to another session, up to one hour before the start.

    Not a BN member? Come and join us here - it costs less than £4 a month. If you attending regular online sessions you'll save a fortune - and gain many other membership benefits.

    Edited by Andrew Welch

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