Don't let anyone tell you there is nothing to do during lockdown...there's an amazing line-up of online events at British Naturism this weekend - if you start now, it's even better!
All our activities can be done from wherever you are in the world and without having to bother to get dressed...and many of them are FREE to our members.
Choose from - or attend them all
Friday - Fitsteps : Yoga, the Big Quiz, and Pub Night at the Bare Arms
Saturday - Power Yoga, Keep Fit for British Heart Foundation, and the year's first Naked Disco, where it will be 60s night!
Sunday - Earth Meditation, the new Sunday Brunch cook-along and Yoga.
Also - our friends at the Paris Naturist Association are hosting another 'Hands Across the Globe' online event where you can meet and talk to Naturists from around the world, on Sunday evening.
Some of these events are for members of British Naturism only. If you're not one of them, it's easy to join...find out how and details of all the benefits you will receive
Photo by Alex Bertha on Unsplash